Quote of the Week: “The drama surrounding the election of the next Speaker of the House will be a powerful distraction. While the selection is an important event in the life of our nation, try not to dwell on unknowable outcomes. The Democratic caucus is in the capable hands of Hakeem Jeffries. The next four weeks will be vital to Democratic success in 2024—because of what will happen in Virginia and Ohio in November 2023! Moreover, now is a critical time for laying the groundwork for registration and GOTV efforts in 2024. Do not relent in your efforts because of worry about the next Speaker or the need to pass a budget (or extension) before Thanksgiving. The antidote to anxiety is action—especially when that action occurs in community with others!” --Robert Hubbell, Today’s Edition Newsletter, Oct. 4, 2023 Campaigns, Get Active: Action: Stay Updated on General Candidate Support Opportunities Access OI’s Endorsed webpage for the latest opportunities to help our endorsed candidates turn out the vote for the upcoming General Election. At any time put the words Olympia Indivisible in your browser and you will find our website. Note there are upcoming events for including new sign waving opportunities:
Action: Here are four special campaign opportunities:
Local Actions:Be an Informed Voter!
School Boards Videos
Government Election Videos Parallel University Radio Interview About OI’s Endorsed Port CandidatesPort of Olympia’s Action team members Jon Ceazan and Carla Wulfsberg, share their views on why electing Port candidates Jasmine Vasavada, Maggie Sanders, and SarahTonge is so important to residents of Thurston County. Ceazan and Wulfsberg discuss their research about the Port’s business practices and lack of transparency with the public in a recent radio interview. Interviewed by Kim Dobson Action: Listen to Radio Interview, September 28, 2023 with OI Members about the Port of Olympia
Support the Freedom to Read Background: Book bans continue at record pace in 2023, American Library Association reports | AP News Book bans and attempted bans continue to hit record highs, according to the American Library Association. And the efforts now extend as much to public libraries as school-based libraries.Some books have been targeted by liberals because of racist language — notably Mark Twain’s “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” — but the vast majority of complaints come from conservatives, directed at works with LGBTQIA+ or racial themes. Librarians around the country have told of being harassed and threatened with violence or legal action. This is unconscionable. To be able to read freely is a first amendment right, and our libraries should be a safe place and librarians should not be harassed. Libraries must be a place for all to learn, grow, and be informed. Let’s continue to fight for the freedom to read. Action: Contact our Members of Congress and ask them to protect the First Amendment, oppose book bans, and pass this important resolution.
Script: I’m reaching out from [ZIP] to urge you to pass [H.Res. 733/S.Res. 372], a resolution calling attention to the troubling increase of book banning in public libraries and schools nationwide. October 1-7 is Banned Books Week. Restricting the press is a threat to democracy. Can I count on you to protect the First Amendment, oppose book bans, and pass this important resolution? Meet-up with Lisa, Your Friendly OI Bartender and Chef:Drinks and Democracy, Every Saturday at 5:30 Every Saturday, weather permitting, Lisa (co-founder of OI) invites OIympia Indivisible members to her cozy back patio in SE Olympia for a Drinks and Democracy Happy Hour! From 5:30 to 6:30pm, come enjoy a signature house drink on a democratic theme. Non-alcoholic beverages will be on hand as well. Action: For details and address, RSVP here. Please RSVP even if you know the drill! --------- Action Cafe 2023, Every Monday at Noon OI members meet, make new friends, and take actions together. Every Cafe comes with a side order of live music and a heapin’ helpin’ of good cheer! Cafe patrons receive an email on Sunday with a sneak-peek at what we'll do at the cafe the next day. On Monday morning, Chef Lisa will send you a pdf "Menu" which has links to the actions we'll take together at the Cafe. Action: Register HERE. We will send you a Zoom link and tomorrow morning, Chef Lisa will send your "menu." Community Participation: Period Action Month is October
From late September and throughout October, menstrual hygiene products can be contributed to the Period Action Month collection at New Traditions Fair Trade, 300 5th Avenue SW, Olympia, WA 98501 (Tues-Sat., 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM; Sunday 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM). Donations will be collected by
To be distributed to local nonprofits, including
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February 2025
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