Quote of the Week: “The grassroots movement has literally saved democracy repeatedly over the last seven years, but a well-meaning journalist calls them “ragtag” because they are not high-paid lobbyists from K Street or talking-head consultants on major media outlets. When the history of this period is written, the efforts of your group and thousands of others will be recognized for their contribution to the preservation of democracy.” – Robert Hubbell, Today’s Edition Newsletter, January 24, 2024. In response to an activist group who engineered the write-in victory for Biden in the New Hampshire Primary. Legislative Actions: If you're new to Take Action Network (TAN):
Sign in PRO Environment Support HJR 4210 (The Washington Green Amendment): Sign in "Pro" for House Environment & Energy's Public Hearing DEADLINE: Jan 29 • 12:30pm The Washington Green Amendment to our constitution will guarantee, for all the people of Washington and future generations, our inalienable right to a clean, healthy environment, including pure water, clean air, healthy ecosystems, and a stable climate. Support SB 5990 (CURB Act): Sign in "Pro" for Senate Environment, Energy & Technology's Public Hearing DEADLINE: Jan 30 • 12:30pm The CURB act will address the cumulative burden on overburdened communities. Sign in "Pro" to support HB 2131 (Pilot Projects for Thermal Heating Networks) DEADLINE: Feb 1 • 7:00am This bill enables gas and electric utilities to own and operate utility-scale thermal energy networks, and establishes a program to award grants for this purpose. Good Government Sign in Pro to support HB 1241 to address harassment of Election workers. DEADLINE: Jan 29 • 9:30am Election officials have been targeted since 2020 for harassment, and this makes retention of election workers very difficult. Justice Support HB 1798 (Earned Release for Good Behavior): Sign in "Pro" for House Appropriations's Public Hearing DEADLINE: Jan 29 • 3:00pm By allowing up to one-third off for good behavior, HB 1798 incentivizes participation in work, education, and rehabilitative programming and decreases the likelihood that people will reoffend once they are released. Sign in "Pro" to Support HB 1054 (Ban HOA occupancy limits) in Senate Law & Justice's Public Hearing DEADLINE: Jan 30 • 9:30am HOAs shouldn't be able to discriminate against households that are made up of unrelated individuals. There are 2 options: Sign in AND comment, or Sign in only End Child Marriage - support HB 1455 - now in Senate Law & Justice DEADLINE: Jan 30 • 9:30am It is way past time to end the archaic, sexist, harmful practice of child marriage. Contact the Legislature Alter the email to thank Senator Hunt for sponsoring this bill. Support Universal civic duty voting DEADLINE: Jan 30 • 1:30pm Universal voting will increase political participation dramatically, and create an electorate that is a full reflection of our diverse country. It will combat voter suppression, voter apathy, and voter disenfranchisement. Oppose HB2424 - Aligning Wolf Management with Tribal Hunting Policies DEADLINE: Jan 31 • 8:00am HB 2424 would force the Department of Fish and Wildlife to “align” its wolf management approach in the NE corner of the state with the approach taken by the Colville tribe. This would mean allowing year-round wolf hunting, which would doom wolf recovery and likely extirpate the species. Oppose HB2423: Eliminating state management of endangered gray wolves DEADLINE: Jan 31 • 11:00pm HB 2423 would jeopardize Washington wolf recovery by mandating that the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife use a working group dominated by livestock interests to develop a regional plan to manage wolves in eastern Washington, where most of the state’s wolves live. Support HB 2145 Concerning medically necessary treatment of a mental health or substance use disorder DEADLINE: Jan 31 • 11:00pm HB 2145 defines medically necessary treatment for mental health and substance use disorders. This bill requires health plans to follow current care standards, prohibits discretionary authority by health insurance carriers and sets penalties for non-compliance. If Hunt is your Senator, alter the email to thank him for being a sponsor. Support codifying our state election database DEADLINE: Feb 1 • 1:30pm Keeping good data on elections will ensure best practices and make sure the right to vote is not infringed upon. Support Wage replacement (Senate: In Committee (Ways & Means)) DEADLINE: Feb 5 • 11:00pm We’re coming together to make this right by passing House Bill 1095 and Senate Bill 5109 to extend unemployment benefits to undocumented immigrants who work and pay taxes here in our state. Join us by sending a message of support to your state legislators now. Your Work Pays Off: LD22 Leads in TAN Actions!Bragging rights for Olympia Indivisible’s LD22 As you know, Take Action Network (TAN) is the program developed by Indivisible’s Washington Legislative Action Team (WILA) to allow Indivisible chapters throughout Washington, as well as other pro-democracy groups, to develop and input actions on bills progressing through the State legislative sessions. The actions you have taken above, are TAN actions. Members of Olympia Indivisible in Legislative District 22 in Thurston County are enthusiastic fans and users of TAN both during the legislative session and throughout the year. If you have not yet done so, and are a TAN member, be sure you create an Olympia Indivisible “saved search” on your dashboard in addition to your WILA saved search. The above chart gives you a visual snapshot of how many TAN actions were taken since the start of the 2024 Washington Legislative Session, as of 1/23/24. This does not include TAN actions that were taken by non-TAN members, which do not get recorded. So sign up for TAN and be part of our tally! We plan to continue this remarkable level of activity through this legislative session and throughout the year. We are making a difference. It’s not too late to join. If you're new to Take Action Network (TAN): Click Join Take Action Network to accept the invitation from Olympia Indivisible to sign up. Having trouble using TAN? Indivisible’s Kevin Leja is offering 45 minute online TAN training sessions for new TAN users. Check out the dates and times that work for you, and register here. National Indivisible webinar conversation between author Anand Giridharadas and Indivisible Co-founder Ezra Levin Photo credit: Garrett Tatsumi A big shout-out of thanks to all of our Olympia Indivisible members who attended the National Indivisible webinar conversation between author Anand Giridharadas and Indivisible Co-founder Ezra Levin on Jan. 25th. The host asked participants to drop their names and locations in the chat at the beginning of the webinar and there were so many OI members online that the host remarked, “Look at all those folks from Olympia!” Way to go! The recording of that conversation should be available sometime next week and we’ll be sure to post it to the Olympia Indivisible website. And there’s more to come! Our chapter hopes to launch an online book discussion group about Anand’s book The Persuaders: On the Frontlines of the Fight for Hearts, Minds, and Democracy in February. More about that soon. WA State Actions: Stop Wastewater Pollution in Everett Photo Credit: Mark Malleson / Getty Images) From our friends at EarthJustice For too long, the Everett Wastewater Treatment Plant — one of the larger pollution control facilities in Washington State — has been allowed to discharge harmful pollutants into the Snohomish River and Puget Sound. The Department of Ecology is currently reviewing the renewal of the plant’s water quality permit, which provides an opportunity to strengthen monitoring and pollution control measures to minimize these harmful discharges. Action: Join us in urging the Washington State Department of Ecology to require a more stringent permit that would require the City of Everett plant to reduce harmful discharges of PBDEs, PFAS, and nutrient pollution into the Snohomish River and Puget Sound. Federal Actions: Advocate for Pregnant Rape Victims Photo Credit: Bruce MacKinnon More than 64,000 women and girls became pregnant because of rape in states that implemented abortion bans after Roe v. Wade was overruled, according to a new research estimate published online Wednesday. The research letter, published by JAMA Internal Medicine and headed up by the medical director at Planned Parenthood of Montana, estimated that nearly 520,000 rapes were associated with 64,565 pregnancies across 14 states, most of which had no exceptions that allowed for terminations of pregnancies that occurred as a result of rape. Action: Advocate for Pregnant Rape Victims Have You Scheduled This Event?Action Cafe 2024, Every Monday at Noon OI members meet, make new friends, and take actions together. Every Cafe comes with a side order of live music and a heapin’ helpin’ of good cheer! Cafe patrons receive an email on Sunday with a sneak-peek at what we'll do at the cafe the next day. On Monday morning, Chef Lisa will send you a pdf "Menu" which has links to the actions we'll take together at the Cafe. Action: Register HERE. We will send you a Zoom link and tomorrow morning, Chef Lisa will send your "menu." You Might Also Like to Attend: Who: State legislators for the 22nd Legislative District: Sen. Sam Hunt, Rep. Jessica Bateman, and Rep. Beth Doglio What: 22nd Legislative District Virtual Town Hall When:Tuesday, January 30 at 7p.m. Where: Streamed live on the Facebook pages of Sen. Hunt, Rep. Bateman, and Rep. Doglio The 22nd District lawmakers want to give constituents a mid-session update and learn more about what issues are a priority for district residents. Attendees can send in questions ahead of time here. Constituents can email any of the legislators with questions for legislators or about the event. --- Indivisible National’s “Persuasion to Power” The webinar on Thursday was the kickoff of a five-part training series called Persuasion to Power. We’ll be sharing the registration links for the next four segments as they become available. The Part 2 event will take place on March 13th.
Join Indivisible National’s Truth Brigade Social media can be a powerful form of connection and sharing information, but disinformation polarizes us, blowing up heartfelt disagreements into what can feel like insurmountable divisions, particularly along racial and generational lines. In 2024, Indivisible National is asking us to learn the persuasive communication tactics that bring us together in power.
Because a bunch of grassroots volunteers can throw a meaningful wrench into the democracy-destroying lie machine. Independent studies prove that we can persuade a lot of people to stop spreading lies with just one strategic message or conversation. Online and offline, in person and on social media, you, along with more than 6,000 other Truth Brigade members, will clear the path to a sustainable democracy! Action: Register to join Indivisible National’s Truth Brigade on February 14 from 3:30-4:30pm PST for a training to learn about the disinformation landscape ahead, and be part of launching the Truth Brigade’s first disinfo-busting action campaign of the new year! --- Phonebank with Indivisible National to score a pro-democracy win the NY-03 Special Election The road to a pro-democracy Congressional majority starts today! When George Santos was expelled from the House of Representatives, Democrats were given an opportunity to start the work of flipping the House early. Though the seat will still be up for re-election in the fall, running the November election from incumbency would be a huge advantage for Democrats. Help us flip this seat now, and then keep it again in November. This event is not just for NY Indivisibles; all are welcome. Action: Join Indivisible National’s weekly Battleground NY phonebanks for the NY-03 special election on Thursdays at 6pm ET/ 3pm PT |
February 2025
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