Quote of the Week:“All peoples deserve safety and self-sovereignty. My wish is that we continue to listen deeply, to stay in community, to seek out the edges of our discomfort in order to build the relational bridges that are so critical to building a better future. That future right now seems farther away than it’s ever maybe been, but we have to keep envisioning it and believing that it is possible if we’re ever going to make it happen.” –Yoshi Silverstein, Mitsui Collective, Oct. 9, 2023. Campaigns, Get Active:Action: Stay Updated on General Candidate Support Opportunities Access OI’s Endorsed webpage for the latest opportunities to help our endorsed candidates turn out the vote for the upcoming General Election. At any time put the words Olympia Indivisible in your browser and you will find our website. Note there are upcoming events for:
Maggie Sanders Meet-Up. Join new and old friends to meet Maggie, signwave, write postcards, learn to do texts, and enjoy good food on Tuesday, October 17th, 2:30 to 4:30 pm at New Traditions Fair Trade, 300 5th Ave SW, Olympia. RSVP here Wave signs for candidates. Help turn out the vote during morning or afternoon rush hours from October 19 through Nov. 7. Here's the link for sign waving which includes dates, times, and locations. Volunteer for the Saturday October 21st Lit Drop 10:30 am - 1pm. You will be delivering campaign literature to doorsteps–you WON'T be ringing doorbells or asking to speak to voters. Register HERE for details. Local Actions:Learn About Thurston 2023 Proposition 1Proposition 1 will be on the Thurston 2023 ballot. Olympia Indivisible does not generally make endorsements for propositions, but we do try to educate our members about them, present arguments for and against, and provide links to learn more. Action: Click HERE to learn all about this proposition and its Pros and Cons on the Olympia Indivisible website. WA State Actions:Tell State Lawmakers to Stabilize RentsRent increases have forced over 136,000 of Washington's households to move during the first six months of 2023. Full-time workers in Washington need to earn $36.33 per hour to afford a modest, two-bedroom apartment at fair market rent. With housing out of reach of low and moderate-income households, the chances that they were able to find an affordable home in their community – or anywhere in Washington – is slim. Rent increases lead to evictions, community instability, and homelessness. The good news is that lawmakers have the opportunity to solve this problem by passing solid protections against destabilizing rent increases, while still allowing modest increases to cover inflation and repairs. Washington can stabilize our rental market and set the foundation for a day when the key drivers of homelessness are solved. Now is the time that lawmakers are setting priorities for the 2024 legislative session that begins in early January. Let’s make sure our lawmakers know how important this issue is by sending them a note now! Action: Tell our Washington legislators to pass rent stabilization protections next session. Federal Actions:Maximize Protections in the ArcticIn a big victory for the Arctic and therefore the planet, the Biden administration canceled a set of illegal leases for oil and gas drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and proposed protections against future fossil fuel development across Alaska’s Arctic lands. Although the new protections are a welcome step forward, companies such as ConocoPhillips still hold leases on more than 2 million acres across this region, and millions more acres remain open to potential future oil and gas leasing in the future. Now’s our chance to weigh in. The administration has opened two comment periods – one for the Arctic Refuge and one for the Reserve – and it’s important that it hears from us about the urgency to finalize the Refuge’s protections and develop robust measures to protect the Reserve from future Willow projects. Action: Send a message to the Biden administration thanking them for the progress toward protecting the Arctic and urge them to consider the strongest possible protections for this region. Humanitarian Actions:Responding to the Unfolding Events in Israel and GazaOlympia Indivisible Steering Committee is horrified by and condemns in the strongest possible terms Hamas's terrorist assault on Israel this week, and the vicious slaughter and widespread trauma they have inflicted and are continuing to inflict on so many innocent Israeli civilians. In addition to the loss of life and trauma rippling through Israel, Hamas's attack has also cost hundreds of Palestinian lives and inflicted a devastating setback for all who have been seeking justice, peace and respect for human rights in Israel and Palestine. It will contribute to a perpetuation of hatred and violence in both Israel and Gaza, and we fear what may come next. In this terrible moment of tragedy, we hope that Olympia Indivisible members will reach out with compassion to those in our community who have family and/or friends in Israel or Gaza. Action: We also ask that you consider making a donation to one of these humanitarian organizations doing work on the ground in Israel and in Gaza. Have You Scheduled These Events?Drinks and Democracy, Closed for the Season Lisa (co-founder of OI) has closed Drinks and Democracy Happy Hour for the season. It’s getting dark, rainy and too cold to be outdoors. But keep an eye out, there might be some late-autumn invitations for indoor gatherings! __________ Action Cafe 2023, Every Monday at Noon OI members meet, make new friends, and take actions together. Every Cafe comes with a side order of live music and a heapin’ helpin’ of good cheer! Cafe patrons receive an email on Sunday with a sneak-peek at what we'll do at the cafe the next day. On Monday morning, Chef Lisa will send you a pdf "Menu" which has links to the actions we'll take together at the Cafe. Action: Register HERE. We will send you a Zoom link and tomorrow morning, Chef Lisa will send your "menu." _________ Free 35 minute slide talks presented by Jon Ceazan and Carla Wulfsberg, Port of Olympia Action Team of Olympia Indivisible. When: Saturday, October 21, 4:00 pm Where: Tumwater Library Meeting Room, 7023 New Market Street SW, Tumwater 98501 What will be covered:
For more information email: [email protected] Community Participation:Books, Brownies, and Beans (Used Book Sale)
10,000 books, live music, and delicious brownies and coffee. Come buy gently used books benefiting local non-profits. A Justice section includes books on social/economic justice, environmental justice, and racial justice - all in line with OUUC's and OI’s vision of a more loving, just, and healthy world. When: Saturday, October 28, 9:00am to 4:00 pm Where: OUUC, 2315 Division St, NW, Olympial See: Books! Books! Books! All the proceeds will benefit three local partner organizations working towards OUUC and OI’s vision of a more loving, just, and healthy world:
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