Quote of the Week: “To portray ‘MAGA Republicans’ as instigators of violence, including against law enforcement, is to state the facts and recognize a grave threat to this nation. To call out the lies that are undermining the integrity of our election is to shine a spotlight on a rising tide of anti-democratic forces. To stand up in the face of conspiracy theories is to highlight the importance of the truth.” – Dan Rather and Elliot Kirschner, Steady, Sept. 1, 2022 Electoral Actions: Tye Menser and Marilyn Strickland Picnic When: September 17, 2022 from Noon - 2:00 pm Where: Tumwater Falls Park What: Campaign Picnic hosted by Tye Menser and Marilyn Strickland Action: Tye needs help organizing the picnic! Sign up at Tye Menser’s Volunteer page and join co-founder Lisa O. (I’ll be bar-tending!). Kim Schrier Phone Banking Dr. Kim Schrier's campaign (Congressional District 8) is actively recruiting volunteers for their weekly phone banking (currently 3 days to choose from). Register for weekly phone bank: Wednesdays 4 to 6 pm; Thursdays 5:30 to 7:30 pm; Sundays 3 to 5 pm Calendar: For more ways to support our candidates, check out our check out our Candidate Support Calendar! Federal Actions:Tell Congress to Fund Covid-19 Tests This week, the federal government will be ending its program for distributing free COVID-19 rapid tests, due to lack of funding. Congress has failed to pass additional pandemic funding for months and this is one of the consequences. Rapid at-home tests are one of the essential strategies for stemming the spread of COVID-19 and without free and easy access to test kits, we lose our access to even KNOW if we have COVID. And as with most situations, the communities most affected by this lack of funding will be those that are already most disadvantaged. Today’s daily action is to urge your elected officials to fund COVID relief programs now. Action: Please contact your Members of congress and urge them to fund COVID-19 test. Option A: Take this copy/paste action in Take Action Network (TAN) Tell Congress to Fund Covid-19 Tests. Option B: Contact your Congressperson.
Script: Hi, my name is ___________ and I’m a constituent in Olympia, zip code ________. I’m reaching out because the federal government has announced that it’s ending the program for free COVID-19 rapid tests this week because of a lack of funding. The pandemic has NOT ended and neither should our relief programs. We need COVID relief programs to be robust and well funded and I urge you to please work to provide these programs that we need. Appoint Two New Members to the USPS Board NowBackground DeJoy’s Continued Job Security Depends on Biden’s Next Move Postmaster General Louis DeJoy needs to be held accountable for his actions to undermine an electric postal fleet. The Postal Service Board of Governors — the group of people charged with stewarding the Postal Service — are Postmaster General DeJoy’s bosses, but so far they have neglected to rein in DeJoy’s bad behavior. A large part of this lackadaisical attitude from the Board of Governors stems from a prevalence of Trump-appointed members, including two whose terms are expiring in December. President Biden can – and should -- preemptively appoint two new members to fill these seats as soon as the terms of the Trump loyalists expire. Action: Tell President Biden to nominate new members as soon as possible. Electrify the Postal Service | Earthjustice State Action:Help Habitat Close the Black Homeownership Gap in Washington StateBackground Advancing Black Home Ownership The lowest homeownership rate of any racial or ethnic group in the United States is that of Black people – currently, the average Black family in Seattle is 33% less likely to own their own home than a White family. Many Black families, not only in the U.S., but in Washington State, face obstacles to homeownership due to a system of deliberate and institutionalized racial discrimination. There is a long-standing history of discrimination against blacks in the housing market, Black veterans were denied access to the GI Bill after World War II, when so many Americans became home owners due mostly to the GI Bill. Without creating more inclusive neighborhoods, increasing the number of affordable homes near employment opportunities, and changing concentrated regions of poverty into places of opportunity so that all members of the community can benefit, the discrepancies of homeownership cannot and will not be addressed and the homeownership gap will never be closed. Watch this brief video about Seattle’s Racial Wealth Gap. Action: Contact your State Legislators in support of Racial Equity and Justice. Option A: Take this copy/paste action in Take Action Network (TAN) Help Habitat Close the Black Homeownership Gap in Washington Option B: Contact your Congressperson.
Script: My name is ___________ and I live in _______, Zip _________ I’m writing to you today to urge you to support legislation to remove obstacles that create the Black homeownership gap. Black people have the lowest homeownership rate of any racial or ethnic group in the United States – currently, the average Black family in Seattle is 33% less likely to own their own home than a white family. Many Black families, not only in the U.S. but, even right here in Washington State, face obstacles to homeownership due to a system of deliberate and institutionalized racial discrimination. Please work to draft and support legislation in the upcoming session to create more inclusive neighborhoods, increase the number of affordable homes near employment opportunities, and change concentrated regions of poverty into places of opportunity so that all members of the community can benefit. This is how we can address the discrepancies of homeownership and begin to close the homeownership gap. Thank you. Alert to Upcoming Action Vote No on Two New Mega Airport Sites in Thurston County On Tuesday September 6, OI will send a detailed CTA to you by email regarding the proposed airport sites in Thurston County. The action requested in that email must be completed by September 9. Watch for the email and take action! Have You Scheduled These Events? No “Drinks and Democracy” on Sept. 10! Lisa’s canvassing for Kim Schrier in Covington instead! Action Cafe, Every Monday at Noon Please come to tomorrow's Action Cafe! This weekly Zoom lunch hour gathering is a place to meet, eat, build fellowship and take actions together. Register HERE. We will send you a Zoom link and tomorrow morning, we'll send you our "menu" with live links for the actions we'll take together. Tuesday, Sept. 6, 8:30am: Rally to Stop DNR Clearcutting
This Tuesday, there will be a rally to stop the clearcutting of Washington’s last remaining mature legacy forests in front of the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) in Olympia! The address is 1111 Washington St SE, Olympia, WA 98504. Groups from all over Washington are working to stop legacy forests from being clear cut on state lands. This rally provides a chance for us to tell the DNR that we want our forests to be managed for climate change and biodiversity, not just for timber profits. The State Supreme Court just ruled that the DNR can manage public lands for multiple uses to serve all the people of WA and are not limited to only timber harvesting. The time is now to tell the DNR that “Washington forests are for all the people!” Comments are closed.
February 2025
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