Quote of the Week: “Thank you, Olympia Indivisible members and teams, for your abiding dedication, resolve, and moxie. You are the frontline of citizen pro-democracy activism. Once again, you have proven that when we gather together, again and again, to take up the cause of democracy, we make a difference.” – Lisa Ornstein, Co-founder, Olympia Indivisible, Nov. 19, 2022 Final Campaign – Get Active: Help Senator Warnock Win the Dec. 6 Georgia Senate Run-offBackground: If you're wondering why Warnock's seat matters when Dems have 50-50 "control" of the Senate--here it is, in a nutshell: With a slim 50-50 margin of control for Democrats, Republicans will slow progress in the Senate to a crawl.
Action 2: Sign up with our ally Common Power to phone bank Georgia voters. Common Power is hosting four phone banks per day, welcoming amazing volunteers like you and special groups across the U.S. + abroad! They host a training session at the start of every shift. Visit Common Power’s Fieldwork Calendar, pick a shift, and sign up! Local Actions: Thank Port Commissioner Amy Evans-Harding |
February 2025
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