Quote of the Week:The war that Russia launched on 24 February 2022 has affected the lives of every person in Ukraine, including those who are fighting to defend their country, mobilized to assist others, or displaced from their homes. Their stories should be recorded. Support Documenting Ukraine --Timothy Snyder, The Institute for Human Sciences Take Three Actions Now:Fix the Electoral College Act Now!Republicans will keep trying to manipulate the Electoral College by refusing to certify valid votes and other means, unless Congress strengthens the Electoral College Act now! Unless Congress acts now, it will be too late to change the Electoral College Act so that Republican states cannot manipulate the next Presidential election. If the GOP gains control of the House this fall, the country will watch helplessly again as Republicans ignore the will of their voters and cherry pick which electors they count. It is unlikely that a Republican led House would agree to these needed reforms. The work has already been done (read this report). We must act now. House panel issues first proposed reforms to Electoral Count Act after Jan. 6 attack Option A: Contact your MoC’s by telephone or email.
Action 1: Contact your MoC in support of electoral reform. Script: “I am contacting you to urge Senator/Congresswoman______to act now and pass the reforms needed to the Electoral College Act so that Jan 6th does not happen again. If Republicans take the House this Fall, they will block any changes and manipulate the next Presidential election. The House report released in January of this year lays out how to prevent this abuse of the Electoral College. Option B: Take this action with one click in Take Action Network (TAN) Fix the Electoral College Act! Cancel Student Debt Without Means TestingThe student debt crisis has spiraled out of control so that now, nearly 45 million people owe more than $1.8 trillion in student debt. This is unsustainable. Fortunately, President Biden has said he will soon announce his plans to address the student debt crisis. Indivisibles have been calling on the president to cancel $50 thousand in debt per borrower through executive order. As Biden is finalizing his plans, Rep. Mondaire Jones (NY-17) is leading a letter calling on Biden not to include means-testing, income caps, or other restrictions that - while they may be well-intentioned - would have the effect of making debt relief difficult to access, and millions of folks would fall through the cracks. Background:
Action 2: Contact Rep. Strickland in support of canceling student debt Option A: Contact your Representative by telephone or email.
Script: I am asking Representative Strickland to sign on to Rep. Mondaire Jones’ letter urging Biden not to attach means testing to student debt cancellation. Means testing would create a barrier to those most in need of cancellation, and also takes taxpayer money to implement. Sincerely, [NAME], [CITY, ZIP] Option B: Take this action with one click in Take Action Network (TAN) Cancel Student Debt Without Means Testing Save a Legacy Forest Here in Thurston County!Protecting Old Growth Forests Olympia Indivisible has taken a formal stand for protecting old growth forest from clear cutting in the Summit Lake watershed. We can support our allies’ efforts by writing to SEPA asking them to stop this project. The Department of Natural Resources in Washington State is set to log some of the last remaining stands of natural forested, publicly owned lands in this watershed. It is formally named the Delica Timber Sale and includes 2 different areas they refer to as Unit 1 and Unit 2. This acreage has Doug Fir, Cedar, Hemlock, Maple and Alder trees, some of which are 80 to100 years old. Trees this old provide substantial carbon sequestration. They also form part of an important ecosystem, which is home to numerous terrestrial and aquatic species and the complex webs that rely on them. Concerns About Delica Timber Sale A core group of concerned residents at Summit Lake have been meeting and communicating with DNR Staff, Fish and Wildlife, the Health Department and the Thurston County Commissioners to share concerns about the upcoming Delica Timber Sale. Unit 1 has been a focus of concern due to its proximity to the lake and the homes and properties close to the proposed cut, the negative consequences of which include the flow of sediment and chemicals into the lake. The majority of Summit Lake residents obtain their drinking water from the lake. Public Comment by June 1st at 4:00 PM SEPA (State Environmental Policy Act) is accepting public comment now through June 1st @ 4:00 PM regarding DNR’s proposal to log 2 separate parcels of land which totals 43 acres in the Summit Lake Watershed. We are particularly focused on Unit 1 which totals 15 acres where the hillsides have streams that originate and flow directly into the lake. Comments will be reviewed by SEPA which could have influence on the DNR board’s decision to approve or halt this sale. For further info, you can watch this video: Action 3: Ask SEPA to require the DNR to provide a watershed plan for Unit 1 at Summit Lake and to stop the Delica Timber Sale. Option A: Email SEPA To: [email protected]; cc: [email protected];[email protected] Subject: Delica Timber Sale, File No. 22-051801 Script: Please stop the Delica Timber Sale and protect the Summit Lake Watershed and the nearby residents from environmental harm, including threats to their drinking water. Require that DNR create a watershed plan similar to the recent Lake Whatcom plan, which recognizes the value of trees for mitigating climate change effects and thereby protects 1,400 acres of public lands. Option B: Take this action with one click in Take Action Network (TAN) Save a Legacy Forest in Thurston County! Have You Scheduled These Events?Action Cafe |
February 2025
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