Quote of the Week: “Instances of people filing for office with names similar to well-known officeholders go back nearly a century in Washington and other states. That is nothing new. We know how to address such issues as elections officials. Voters deserve good-faith candidates who are running on the strength of their ideas to make Washington a better place to live and work, not people who pay a filing fee just to manipulate elections. Washington’s long history of free and fair elections must be protected and preserved in every year and campaign cycle.” – Steve Hobbs, Secretary of State, 05-13-2024 Campaigns, Get Active:Hey, Olympia Indivisibles! Take a look at these easy-to-do electoral actions PICK ONE (or two) and DO IT THIS WEEK. It’s all hands on deck this year, we gotta get a move on, and you will feel better when you do more in ‘24. From OI’s GOTV Writing Team Letter Writing Party Photo Source: Garrett Tatsumi The United Churches of Olympia and Olympia Indivisible are co-hosting a letter writing event at the United Churches at 110 11th Avenue SE (corner of Capitol Ave). If you are looking for a way to express your pro-democracy feelings, join us! Show up for cookies, carrots and camaraderie.
RSVP to [email protected]. We’d love to meet your friends, too! From OI’s E-SAT Team Get a Yard Sign for Bob This Week! Yard signs for Bob Ferguson for Governor are now available in the Olympia area for pickup!! To pick up a yard sign, please send an email HERE. Please indicate which part of Olympia/Lacey that you live (NE, NW, etc.) and you will receive a response with the address of the yard sign pickup location closest to your home. When you pick up a yard sign, please add your name and address to the check-out sheet which will be posted at the yard sign pickup location. From OI’s E-CHAT Team Canvassing Training and Door Belling for Congressional District 3 Marie Gluesencamp Perez
Thanks to Jean Maust who lives in the area for initiating the canvas. If you have not been in touch with her for this event, you can email Kathy to sign up and for additional details. ---- Explore our Election webpages. These webpages are living documents and will continue to develop and expand as new information becomes available.
Federal Actions: Ask our Members of Congress to Prevent Corporate Tax Dodging Photo Source: Canva Despite record breaking profits, many of the largest and most profitable corporations in the United States continue to pay little to nothing in taxes. The Corporate Tax Dodging Prevention Act would build on the important progress made by the Inflation Reduction Act in reversing corporate tax breaks – which included a 15 percent minimum tax on large corporations that will raise $222 billion over the next 10 years. Sanders’ legislation would go well beyond this by entirely shutting down offshore tax avoidance and restoring the top corporate tax rate to 35 percent – where it was before Trump became president. Together, these policies will raise more than $2.3 trillion over the next 10 years. Action: Copy the script below and Write to our three Members of Congress and ask them to pass the Corporate Tax Dodging Prevention Act. Script: I’m writing to ask you to help pass the Corporate Tax Dodging Prevention Act. It would stop corporations from sheltering profits in tax havens like the Cayman Islands and Luxembourg, eliminate tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas, and close loopholes in the tax code that allow corporations to get away with paying little to nothing in taxes. We have massive wealth inequality in this country; meanwhile corporate profits are skyrocketing. It’s unacceptable and I want Congress to do something about it. Tax the rich like you tax us, please! Thanks. For more information, see this press release from Sen. Sanders. Tell Our Senators to Vote on Women’s Rights! Photo Source: Canva Since the fall of Roe v. Wade, bills chipping away at our reproductive rights are being passed in states all over the country. For more than a year, the U.S. Senate has been sitting on The Right to Contraception Act without a vote. In 2022, The Right to Contraception Act — which would override these extremist state bills and protect our right to birth control nationwide — passed the House, despite 195 Republicans voting against it. And then, Republicans blocked it from being voted on in the Senate. The overwhelming majority of Americans want access to contraception. Republicans pretend to support reproductive rights, so here's their chance to show it. Tell your senators it's time to stand up for our right to birth control and hold a vote on The Right to Contraception Act now! Action: Copy the script below and Email our senators and tell them it's time to stand up for our right to birth control and hold a vote on The Right to Contraception Act now! Script: Since the fall of Roe v. Wade, I’ve been watching our reproductive rights get chipped away by extreme bills being passed all over the country. I’m worried about what this means for Americans’ rights to choose if, when, and how we start our families. Like me, the overwhelming majority of Americans support the right to access birth control. I keep hearing politicians on both sides of the aisle say they do too, so it’s time for the Senate to do something about it. As your constituent, I am asking you to call for a vote on The Right to Contraception Act. As I’m sure you remember, the House passed it in 2022, but it was blocked when it came to the Senate. Well, it’s time to settle this once and for all and to protect our rights to contraception nationwide. Please tell your fellow senators and leadership to bring The Right to Contraception Act back to the floor for a vote, and we’ll see which politicians really support our right to birth control. Have You Scheduled These Events? From OI’s Endorsement Team Town Hall with Jessica Bateman and Lisa ParshleyJessica Bateman is running for the Washington Legislative District 22 Senate position currently held by retiring Senator Sam Hunt, and Lisa Parshley is running for the Washington Legislative District 22 Representative Position 2 the legislative position currently held by Jessica Bateman. We are interviewing both Jessica and Lisa on May 22 at 6:30pm and 7:30pm respectively. Please join us on zoom.
Town Hall with Syd LockeSyd Locke is running for the Washington Legislative District 22 Representative Position 2, the legislative position currently held by Jessica Bateman. A Town Hall has been scheduled with him for May 28 at 6:30. Come and get to know Syd Locke.
Action Cafe 2024, Every Monday at Noon
OI members meet, make new friends, and take actions together. Every Cafe comes with a side order of live music and a heapin’ helpin’ of good cheer! Cafe patrons receive an email on Sunday with a sneak-peek at what we'll do at the cafe the next day. On Monday morning, Chef Lisa will send you a pdf "Menu" which has links to the actions we'll take together at the Cafe. Action: Register HERE. We will send you a Zoom link and tomorrow morning, Chef Lisa will send your "menu." Comments are closed.
February 2025
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