Quote of the Week:“I would like to think that there is a version of modern progressivism that accepts many of the premises of the problem and causes of inequality but does so in a way that also celebrates the power of individualism, of consensus, and of common cause.” –Timothy A. Judge, Chair, Department of Management and Human Resources, Ohio State University Campaigns, Get Active:From OI’s E-PAT Team Your Help Is Needed Now for Biden to Win Critical Battleground States Such As MichiganYour help is needed to register voters - and you can do it from home. All you need is a smartphone and a computer or tablet. The dialing software, Hubdialer, masks your phone number and will dial the calls for you. A script is provided. Olympia Indivisible members Kelly and Carla are hosting three slow-paced group phone bank training sessions in May on Zoom. They will teach you the basics of making calls to register likely Democratic voters in Arizona and help you to overcome any fear you might have about making phone calls to strangers. We won’t be making calls during the training session.
From OI’s GOTV Writing Team Join Our Postcard and Letter Writing PartiesPhoto Source: Garrett Tatsumi The United Churches of Olympia and Olympia Indivisible are co-hosting postcard and letter writing events at the United Churches at 110 11th Avenue SE (corner of Capitol Ave). If you are looking for a way to express your pro-democracy feelings, join us! Show up for cookies, carrots and camaraderie.
RSVP to [email protected]. We’d love to meet your friends, too! From OI’s E-SAT Team Get a Yard Sign for Bob This Week!Yard signs for Bob Ferguson for Governor are now available in the Olympia area for pickup!! To pick up a yard sign, please send an email HERE. Please indicate which part of Olympia/Lacey that you live (NE, NW, etc.) and you will receive a response with the address of the yard sign pickup location closest to your home. When you pick up a yard sign, please add your name and address to the check-out sheet which will be posted at the yard sign pickup location. From OI’s E-CHAT Team E-CHAT UpdateThe Elections Congressional Action Team (E-CHAT) was created to help OI-supported Congressional candidates in Washington State (and possibly beyond) win their races! Let's clean up the mess in the House by retaining and gaining seats! ______________ CD3 - Marie Gluesenkamp Perez We are intensely focused on Marie Gluesenkamp Perez's campaign in the third congressional district due to how competitive it is and the potential loss to MAGA Republican Joe Kent. She won last year but only by 2 percentage points and is deemed nationally as one of the strongest Republican districts for a Democrat to have garnered in the House.
CD5 - Four Democratic Candidates We are keeping an eye on CD 5 though no Democratic candidate is yet decided. Washington's 5th congressional district encompasses Eastern Washington counties. It is centered on Spokane, the state's second largest city.
CD8 - Kim Schrier We are also supporting Dr. Kim Schrier who is running for re-election to represent the CD8 Congressional District which includes much of King, Pierce, Snohomish, Kittitas, and Chelan Counties, and portions of Douglas County.
Explore our Election webpages. These webpages are living documents and will continue to develop and expand as new information becomes available.
Federal Actions:Stop Congress from Attaching the LGBTQ+ KOSA Bill to the FAA ReauthorizationPhoto Source: Clipart Library Dozens of LGBTQ and human rights organizations oppose the dangerous "Kids Online Safety Act" (KOSA), which would make kids less safe rather than more safe. But there are reports that Congress may attach it to the must-pass FAA authorization bill to try to sneak it through. The latest version of the bill has some improvements but as Electronic Frontier Foundation says, KOSA is still a censorship bill – and the impact will still fall most heavily on LGBTQ+ youth. It's not too late to stop it, though; neither the House nor Senate has voted yet. Action: Please contact your members of Congress today and ask them to not attach the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) to the FAA reauthorization. Copy the script below and use Democracy.io - Contact Members of Congress. Script: Please do not attach the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) to the FAA reauthorization. The latest version of KOSA is still a misguided censorship bill that would put vulnerable young people at risk. KOSA would fail to address the root issues related to kid’s safety online. Instead, it would endanger some of the most vulnerable people in our society while undermining human rights and children’s privacy. Dozens ofLGBTQ+ and human rights organizations oppose the current version of KOSA. Please OPPOSE any attempt to attach this bill to must-pass legislation. Have You Scheduled These Events?From OI’s Endorsement Team Town Hall with Jessica Bateman and Lisa ParshleyJessica Bateman is running for the Washington Legislative District 22 Senate position currently held by retiring Senator Sam Hunt, and Lisa Parshley is running for the Washington Legislative District 22 Representative Position 2 the legislative position currently held by Jessica Bateman. We are interviewing both Jessica and Lisa on May 22 at 6:30pm and 7:30pm respectively. Please join us on zoom.
____________________ Action Cafe 2024, Every Monday at Noon OI members meet, make new friends, and take actions together. Every Cafe comes with a side order of live music and a heapin’ helpin’ of good cheer! Cafe patrons receive an email on Sunday with a sneak-peek at what we'll do at the cafe the next day. On Monday morning, Chef Lisa will send you a pdf "Menu" which has links to the actions we'll take together at the Cafe. Action: Register HERE. We will send you a Zoom link and tomorrow morning, Chef Lisa will send your "menu." Comments are closed.
February 2025
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