Quote of the Week:“Hope is not a lottery ticket you can sit on the sofa and clutch, feeling lucky. It is an axe you break down doors within an emergency. Hope should shove you out the door, because it will take everything you have to steer the future away from endless war, from the annihilation of the earth's treasures and the grinding down of the poor and marginal... To hope is to give yourself to the future - and that commitment to the future is what makes the present inhabitable.” ― Rebecca Solnit, Hope in the Dark Campaigns, Get Active:Campaign Support – Skills TrainingPhoto Credit: Dictatorship_99 via Wikimedia Commons The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) is offering a series of campaign trainings that are open to all of us. The skills being taught are exactly what we all need to be able to do to improve our effectiveness as volunteers for campaign support for all our candidates in 2024. Action: Sign up for RELATIONAL ORGANIZING: April 4 at 6:00pm
REGISTER HERE for other events in this series Federal Actions:Support Universal Health Care Act - Senator EditionPhoto Credit: Jacek Halicki via Wikimedia Commons Source: Action Network and Whole Washington Background: Universal Health Care Commission In the 2/18/24 Call to Action, we asked you to contact your Representative in Congress to support the State Based Universal Health Care Act (H.R. 6270 or "SBUHCA"). This week, Senator Ed Markey from Massachusetts is stepping up to introduce the bill in the Senate. We want Senator Patty Murray and Senator Maria Cantwell to be co-sponsors to this bill. We will still be able to push for co-sponsorship past the 3/29/24 deadline for original co-sponsorship. Action: Click HERE to send an email to your Senators. Support the Fair Representation Act US House of Representatives Party Membership, January 1, 2024 Photo Credit: Ryansnowden, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons Background:
Action: Support the Fair Representation Act Thank Senator MurrayPhoto Credit: U.S. Senate Photographic Studio, Wikipedia On March 23rd, The Senate passed a $1.2 trillion spending package to fund the government through September, narrowly averting a government shutdown, after the legislation cleared the House the previous day. Funding the government is perhaps the most basic responsibility Congress has, but chaos in the Republican-controlled House delayed the legislation’s passage by nearly half a year. Murray and the top Republican on the Appropriations Committee, Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, had to make tough decisions to keep federal spending below limits imposed by a May 2023 deal between then-Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., and President Joe Biden. While Murray’s role requires her to consider the entire country’s needs, she said she always has Washington state in mind. The package includes more than $3 billion for cleanup of the Hanford nuclear site – the largest amount for the long-running project – along with increased funding for the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. The latest package also includes funding for Seattle’s Entre Hermanos HIV center, a cop-alternative response team in Everett ($4.5 million), a microbusiness program at the Refugee Artisan Initiative in Seattle ($500,000), suicide barriers on a bridge in Spokane ($400,000), a robotics program in Kent ($511,000) and a long list of child care, transit, environmental and military housing programs. Action: Thank Senator Murray for her leadership in ensuring swift passage of the government funding spending package and for earmarking funding for critical Washington initiatives. Copy the script below and paste in the message section for Patty Murray. Script: As your constituent, I want to thank you for your leadership in ensuring swift passage of the government funding spending package and for creating a funding package that includes critical Washington initiatives. I particularly appreciate that you secured more than $3 billion for cleanup of the Hanford nuclear site – the largest amount for the long-running project– as well as funding for Seattle’s Entre Hermanos HIV center, a police-alternative response team in Everett, a microbusiness program at the Refugee Artisan Initiative in Seattle, suicide barriers on a bridge in Spokane, a robotics program in Kent, a science center at Evergreen State College, and child care, transit, environmental and military housing programs. In preventing a government shutdown and crafting the spending bill, you looked out for the interests of Washingtonians and of Americans across the nation. Three cheers! Local Actions:Help Improve Take Action Network (TAN)!Many of us used TAN during the legislative session. The above was a familiar logo at the top of each CTA promoting TAN legislative actions. The WILA Team works hard to improve TAN before and after each legislative session. WILA is now asking for your input, as a TAN user. Action: Complete this short survey to help Washington Indivisible Legislative Action (WILA) learn how YOU take action on TAN to help us improve in 2025. Or if you are a registered TAN user, fill out the survey here. Have You Scheduled This Event?Action Cafe 2024, Every Monday at Noon – Canceled for April 1 OI members meet, make new friends, and take actions together. Every Cafe comes with a side order of live music and a heapin’ helpin’ of good cheer! The chef will be away next Monday, but looks forward to seeing you on April 8. Until then. Your Work Pays Off:EPA - Strengthen Tailpipe Emissions
Last week, President Biden and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized federal standards to strengthen tailpipe emissions requirements for passenger cars and trucks. This landmark ruling to set long-term emissions standards is one of the most significant actions President Biden can take to clean up our air and protect our climate -- and it happened because thousands of advocates like you took action. Thank you to all who wrote to the EPA! Comments are closed.
February 2025
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