Quote of the Week: “Remember, all men would be tyrants if they could. If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation.” –Abigail Adams, March 31, 1776 Electoral Actions: Get up! Stand up! We know you care, but that won’t make a difference if your actions don’t reflect your values. So this week, step up and help pro-democracy candidates win the midterms: read on (seriously–keep reading!) to see what kinds of things you can do this week from our menu of electoral volunteer opportunities, and do something! And to help get your activism motor revved up, check out this week’s Success Story from the Department of Local Inspiration: Successes This WeekGetting out the vote at the Planned Parenthood bake sale. This past Friday, the Olympia High School Feminism Club (OHSFC) held a bakesale to benefit Planned Parenthood. Olympia Indivisible provided logistical support, some equipment and supplies, and (thank you, OI Comm-Tech team for PR, and OI members) quite a few customers! AND…for the first time since COVID, the OI GOTV Field Team did voter registration at an in-person event (thank you, Vicki!). So how much $$ did OHSFC raise for PP? $1639.58! July 16 Doorbell for Doglio When: Sat, July 16, 10:30am – 12:30pm Description: Help Beth Doglio win in LD-22 by doorbelling with her! All you need is a smartphone and comfortable walking shoes (and maybe some sunscreen). Just sign up here and Beth's campaign will send you everything you need: instructions on downloading and using the Minivan app you'll use while doorbelling, as well as the meet-up address. There will be volunteers on site at 10:30am to familiarize you with how to use Minivan and be a doorbell diva. Doorbelling with Beth: a great way to help a pro-democracy, pro-civil rights candidate AND get in your daily walk! July 17 Drinks for Doglio/BatemanWhen: Sun, July 17, 1pm – 3pm Where: The Brotherhood Lounge, 119 Capitol Way N, Olympia, WA 98501, USA (map) Description: Come to the Brotherhood for Happy Hour in support of two stellar candidates! 100% of bar sales will be split between the Jessica Bateman and Beth Doglio campaigns for LD-22. Masks recommended! July 21 Zoom Town Hall with Derek Sanders When: July 21 at 7:00 pm. Register here. Description: Derek is Olympia Indivisible’s endorsed candidate for Thurston County Sheriff. He is fighting an uphill battle in running against a longtime Sheriff, who has been problematic in regard to Olympia Indivisible values. We want our OI members to get to know Derek, to be informed on what Derek sees as necessary changes to the Sheriff’s office, and to help build our candidates for the future, so we invited him to a Town Hall in order to hear what he has to say. We Continue to Endorse Progressive Candidates with Letters to the Editor Support our progressive candidates by writing Letters to the Editor (LTE.) We can give our candidates free publicity! The opposition is out in force with their LTE’s. With one in the Olympian asking people to vote Republican because of the “Democrat Extreme Green Climate Agenda”, the border, homeless and crime. The Chronicle has one about voting for Smiley over Murray. Help our side win by using Indivisible’s advice to format your letter: Endorse Local Progressive Candidates with Letters to the Editor Action: Use our Candidate Talking Points document created from contributions from the Candidate Interface Team (CIT) or give your own opinion about your candidate. Submit your letter to one of these sources or your own favorite local paper: LTE Form -- Nisqually Valley News LTE Form --The Olympian LTE Form -- JOLT News LTE Form -- The Chronicle LTE Form -- Shelton-Mason County Journal LTE Form --Tacoma News Tribune Tye Menser for Thurston County CommissionerWe cannot take this election for granted! OI members learned at the picnic for Tye that his opponent is a Gary Edwards think-alike, maybe hand-picked by Edwards. How can you support Tye’s campaign? The OI postcard initiatives work. To volunteer in other ways for Tye’s campaign and to save Thurston from another Gary Edwards, sign up on Tye's Volunteer Page. Postcards We have bundled the postcards in batches of 50 with voter addresses, stamps, and a script for you to use. To get bundles of postcards, please email to [email protected] with your name and how many bundles you want and where you want to pick them up. They can be picked up in one of two locations, whichever is most convenient to you.
Please use ball point pens, not gel/flow pens which smear. OI Website: Keep up with what is happening with candidates on OI’s Election 2022 resource page which includes the New Candidate Support Calendar. And discover more about OI plans and activities on the website. Local Actions:July 12: Secretary of State Steve Hobbs Town Hall – Tuesday, 7/12, 7pmRegister and share with your group. The Secretary of State is responsible for Election & Cyber Security, Open Records, Archives, the State Library, and Corporations & Charities. But what comes most to mind these days is the focus on cybersecurity. We'll talk about how Secretary Hobbs' background in cybersecurity and excellent state relationships is increasing the security of our state records, including elections. Join Indivisibles across WA state on Tuesday, July 12 to learn all about this critical state office. July 14: Comp Plan 101 - 6:30 PM - 8:00 PMThe first session “Comprehensive Plan Update 101” will be held virtually via Zoom on July 14th at 6:30 PM. As a participant, you will learn the basics of Comprehensive Planning, and also how you can help set the standards for climate change and housing for the next 10 years. In order to get a detailed Comprehensive Plan that goes beyond vague business-as-usual goals, we need you and other community members to be involved. To register for the July 14th session, click here July 16: Drinks and DemocracyThis Saturday (July 16), Chef Lisa invites OIympia Indivisible members to her cozy back patio in SE Olympia for a Drinks and Democracy Happy Hour! From 5:30 to 6:30pm, come enjoy a signature house drink on a democratic theme. Non-alcoholic beverages will be on hand as well. Come raise a glass of cheer, catch up with your fellow Indivisiblers, unwind, and build our fellowship! Please note that you must be vaccinated and boosted for COVID in order to attend. Chef Lisa intends for these events to spread good cheer, not germs! For details and address, rsvp at [email protected] Action: Mark your calendar, save the date and rsvp address, and rsvp/show up any Saturday you’d like to come! Federal Actions: Force the GOP to Reveal Their Extreme PositionIntroduce bills that will underscore how extreme Republican positions are. This article, Pelosi has the right idea on abortion. The Senate must follow, explains how House Speaker Pelosi intends to bring several abortion measures to the floor as well as other privacy bills and force the GOP to take a stand with their vote. Action: Write to Pelosi and Strickland Option A: Take this action with one click in Take Action Network (TAN) Force the GOP to Reveal Their Extreme Position Option B: Contact Speaker Pelosi and ask her to bring special abortion measures to the floor. Ask Representative Strickland to support this effort.
Script: I was happy to hear that House Speaker Pelosi intends to bring several abortion measures to the floor as well as other privacy bills and force the GOP to take a stand with their vote. I’d like to recommend bills that will underscore how extreme Republican positions are. Please start with a bill that allows abortion for health-of-mother or rape or incest, then a bill for abortion in the first trimester, then 15 weeks, then the Women's Health Protection Act. I am asking Representative Strickland to please support this effort. Sincerely, [NAME], [CITY,ZIP] Help to Protect Our Public Schools from Attack By Private School SupportersBackground
The U.S. Supreme Court just decided Carson v. Makin and the ultra-conservative majority’s opinion has seriously eroded the constitutional separation of church and state. The opinion threatens public education and religious freedom by forcing taxpayers to fund religious education. This is a quick action asking our state legislators to stand firm once again against these efforts Action: Write to your local legislators. Option A: Take this action with one click in Take Action Network (TAN) Help to protect our public schools from attack by private school supporters Option B: Use this link from Americans United for Separation of Church and State to quickly send a pre-written message to your state legislators. Personalize your message or use this script. Script: Public funds should fund public schools. I urge you to oppose all private school voucher programs and recommit our tax dollars to public education. Vouchers divert desperately needed resources away from the public school system to fund the education of a few select students. Studies have shown vouchers don’t improve student achievement – but they do fund private schools that discriminate against students and teachers and teach curriculum that does not adhere to the same standards as public schools. Comments are closed.
February 2025
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