Quote of the Week:"I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who is for or against. I'm a human being, first and foremost, and as such I'm for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole." -- Malcolm X. The Autobiography of Malcolm X. Legislative Actions:Washington Indivisible Legislative ActionLast session in early 2022, Washington Indivisible Legislative Action (WILA) bill trackers used Take Action Network (TAN) to track 238 bills and create 8,175 Calls to Action (CTAs). Across all of TAN 9819 total legislative actions were taken by you. Please join us in support of important legislative bills in this 105 day Washington Legislative session of 2023. Action 1: Join Take Action Network (TAN). Sign up for a training session or request a meeting with one of the TAN trainers for a one-on-one session. It takes 15 minutes or less for the basic sign-up. Action 2: Take the following actions and then click the green 'I took this action' button. Support HB 1024 (pay incarcerated people minimum wage) by Signing in "Pro" to the House Community Safety, Justice, & Reentry's Public Hearing DEADLINE: Jan 10 3:00pm The Real Labor, Real Wages Act will close the "slavery loophole" to the 13th Amendment that allows people in prison to be paid little or nothing for their work. Sign in "Pro" for HB 1047 ' toxic chemicals in cosmetic products' DEADLINE: Jan 9 12:30pm Remove chemicals linked to cancer and developmental and reproductive harm from cosmetics. Sign in "Pro" for HB 1078 'urban forest management' DEADLINE: Jan 11 7:00am Provide a mitigation strategy that allows housing development by planting new trees in areas where they are needed. Sign in "Pro" for HB 1085 'reduce plastic pollution' DEADLINE: Jan 10 3:00pm Reduce three sources of unnecessary plastic waste and plastic pollution in the environment. Support HB 1087 (end long-term solitary confinement) by Signing in "Pro" to the House Community Safety, Justice, & Reentry's Public Hearing DEADLINE: Jan 10 3:00pm Long-term solitary confinement causes serious psychological harm and increases the risk that people released from prison will reoffend. HB 1087 makes our prisons and communities safer by significantly limiting the use of solitary confinement. Help Wanted: Be an OI Reproductive Justice LiaisonWhen the Supreme Court abolished federal protections for safe, legal abortions on June 24, 2022, Olympia Indivisible responded by creating a Reproductive Justice Liaison position, and OI member Sarah DeStasio stepped up to do the work. Now she is focusing on legislative advocacy and we need to recruit a replacement to continue her work:
Examples of what Sarah has done in 2022:
The time commitment averages 2 hours a week; a bit more if you are helping plan an event. Action: Become a Reproductive Justice Liaison for Olympia Indivisible. Use OI’s Team Contact to let us know you are available and want to do this work. Federal Actions:Demand Strong Safeguards on Climate-Busting MethanePhoto: Robert S. Donovan, 2013 Methane is the fastest-growing contributor to the climate crisis. It packs more than 80 times the climate punch of carbon dioxide in the two decades after it is released, and is harming the health of our families and communities across the country. One of the surest ways we can fight the climate crisis is to cut methane and other pollutants at the source — and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has released a new proposal to do just that. From now until February 13, EPA is soliciting comments on the new rule. This is our chance to make our voices heard and urge the EPA to move full speed ahead to finalize STRONG methane protections without delay, Action: Tell EPA Administrator Michael Regan to cut methane pollutants. Option A: Take this action with one click in Take Action Network (TAN) Strengthen Methane Regulations Option B: Take the NRDC action Tell EPA Administrator Michael Regan to cut methane pollutants. Your Work Pays Off:Failure to Quality Right Wing Initiatives – We Won In our November 20, 2022 CTA we told you to watch out for “Danger from 11 Conservative Initiatives”. The right wing group “Let’s Go Washington” fails to qualify any of its 11 statewide initiatives. The Cascadia Advocate reports “As the clock ran out, Heywood and his associates spoke of qualifying at at least one measure by the December 30th deadline, but could not finish the task of gathering 425,000 signatures for even their favorite of the eleven schemes.” Have You Scheduled These Events?Action Cafe 2023, |
February 2025
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