Quote of the Week: “I would like to say to people not to take for granted — not freedom, not justice. You have to stand up for it. You have to defend this. To be your brother’s keeper... Not to be passive when things are going on around you. Not to be indifferent. To be a participant in life, and to defend the rights of humanity.” — Holocaust Survivor and Warsaw Ghetto Resistance Fighter Vladka Meed Legislative Actions: Urgent Fight for Inclusive Schools in WashingtonYour Voice is Needed Now to Counter MAGA Attack on Classrooms The following two actions deserve special attention and we invite you to share them with your friends. A group calling themselves “Conservative Ladies of Washington” (yes it is a real group, check them out on Facebook) has overwhelmed the Pro/Con submissions. We need to fight back. If you are a strong supporter of public education, you may want to take the remote testimony option. Background: The Benefits of Inclusion and Diversity in the Classroom Action: Sign in for the following two actions and share them with your friends. Defeat the MAGA opposition. Sign in PRO As of 1/28/2023 the opposition has us outnumbered by 534 submissions. Support Diversity Equity and Inclusion in school curricula - SB 5441 by Signing in "Pro" DEADLINE: Jan 30 12:30pm Show your support for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in public school curricula by signing in Pro to the public hearing. This bill is being strongly opposed by The Conservative Ladies of Washington. 5441 Remote Testimony Option Sign in CON As of 1/28/2023 the opposition has us outnumbered by 52 submissions. Oppose SB 5024 (Parents Bill of Rights) by Signing in "Con" DEADLINE: Feb 1 12:30pm Don't let a handful of politicians overwhelm Public Education by piling on onerous requirements in the name of "Parental Rights". 5024 Remote Testimony Option WILA Legislative Actions Help us get these bills passed! If you complete your daily WILA actions in the TAN Search Alert email, you may have completed most of these actions. If you're new to Take Action Network (TAN):
Support these bills by signing in PRO Good Government Support SB 5209 (Establishing universal civic duty voting) by Signing in “Pro” DEADLINE: Jan 31 12:30pm Require voters to cast a ballot. Sponsored by Senator Sam Hunt Support SB 5112 (Voter registration) by Signing in "Pro" DEADLINE: Jan 30 3:00pm Update the voter registration processes. Housing Support Transit-Oriented Development by Signing in "Pro" to SB 5466 DEADLINE: Jan 31 7:00am Transit and housing go together like peanut butter and jelly! This bill requires cities to allow density around transit hubs and removes parking mandates in those areas. Healthcare Support SB 5179 'Death with Dignity Act' by Signing in "Pro" and protect end of life decisions DEADLINE: Feb 2 9:30am Modifies the original law and removes barriers that prevent dying patients from accessing this legal and compassionate option to determine how they spend their final days. Support abortion, gender-affirming services/access DEADLINE: Feb 3 SB 5489 protects access to reproductive health care services and gender-affirming treatment in Washington state by shielding patients, helpers, and providers from out-of-state investigations and prosecutions. Let’s get this bill out of Rules and onto the Floor for a vote! Law and Justice Support HB 1513 (Traffic safety) by Signing in "Pro" DEADLINE: Jan 30 12:30pm Seeks to limit the kinds of infractions that police can stop a driver for to those which would endanger public safety. Support HB 1024 (pay a fair wage to people in prison) by Signing in "Pro" DEADLINE: Jan 30 3:00pm The Real Labor, Real Wages Act will ensure that people in prison are paid at least minimum wage for the work they perform. Support SB 5434 (raising the age for juvenile court jurisdiction) by Signing in "Pro" DEADLINE: Jan 31 9:30am Raises the age for juvenile court jurisdiction from eight to 13. Research shows that this will improve outcomes for young people and will help to address the harms caused by over-policing of communities of color. Support HB 1087 (end long-term solitary confinement) by Signing in "Pro" DEADLINE: Feb 2 3:00pm Long-term solitary confinement causes serious psychological harm and increases the risk that people released from prison will reoffend. Support HB 1579 (Independent prosecutions) by Signing in "Pro" DEADLINE: Jan 31 3:00pm Establishes an Independent Prosecutor in cases of alleged police criminal misconduct. Support SB 5232 (Firearms/purchase & transfer) by Signing in "Pro" DEADLINE: Feb 1 7:00am Take a certified gun safety course before purchasing a firearm. Environment SENATE Support SB 5322 ( Buy Clean, Buy Fair) by Signing in "Pro" DEADLINE: Jan 31 12:30pm Build with low-carbon materials and create good family-wage jobs. HOUSE Support HB 1282 (Build with low-carbon materials ) by Signing in "Pro" DEADLINE: Feb 2 12:30pm Build with low-carbon materials and create good family-wage jobs. Support SB 5371 (Orca vessel protection) by Signing in "Pro" DEADLINE: Jan 30 12:30pm Give endangered orcas a 1000-ft. buffer zone. The position on the following action is ‘CON’. Oppose HB 1363 (Vehicular pursuits) by Signing in "Con" DEADLINE: Jan 31 3:00pm HB 1363 attempts to roll back the standards for law enforcement to use a dangerous tactic that has led to the death and injury of innocent bystanders. WA State Actions:A Guide to 2023 Housing LegislationHousing Legislation a Top Priority 2023 is the year both the legislature and the governor have made addressing Washington's housing crisis a top priority, with a slew of proposed bills. Two top experts join Washington Indivisible podcast Stephan Cox to help unpack and explain some of the more prominent pieces of legislation:
Action: Listen to Indivisible podcast, A Guide to 2023 Housing Legislation Federal Actions: Keep Lead Out of Our Drinking Water Flint, Michigan drinking water pipe VCU Capitol News Service It's 2023 - but millions of people across the country still drink water that passes through lead pipes, putting countless communities at risk of harmful lead contamination. We know how dangerous lead is for families, even at very low levels. We know that drinking water contamination disproportionately affects low wealth families and communities of color. And we know that ending the nationwide crisis of lead in water is a priority for this administration. Let’s fix the broken Lead and Copper Rule by listening to community members impacted by lead in their water and strengthening the Rule so that it protects our families. Action: Tell the Environmental Protection Agency to keep lead out of our drinking water. Email EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan at [email protected] with the following script (or better yet, use your own words): Script: It is time our country got serious about lead in our drinking water once and for all. The current Lead and Copper Rule fails communities and the EPA needs to take corrective action such as:
Water system compliance with the current rule doesn’t mean a family is safe, so EPA must also engage in comprehensive and repeated outreach and public education so that everyone understands the limits of any new Rule, the danger they might be in, and steps they can take to protect themselves and their families. Thank you for considering my comment. It’s time for bold solutions to protect our nation’s water. Community Participation: Support Our Young Climate Activists!Come out February 2nd to the Lacey City Council Meeting at 6:00pm where Thurston Youth Climate Coalition (TYCC) will be giving public testimony. Action: You are encouraged to attend in solidarity and help the TYCC pack the room at Lacey City Hall 420 College St SE, Lacey. Please wear green to show support for youth demands. Comments are closed.
September 2024
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