Quote of the Week:“Today, as we mark 50 years since Roe v. Wade was decided, we also mark the first anniversary of Roe v. Wade without a federal constitutional right to abortion. We face abortion bans, hostile courts, and lawmakers who will do anything to take away our rights. But we're not looking back. We're moving forward, building a new foundation for a world where everyone is free to get the health care they need, including abortion, to decide their futures and own their bodies.” – Planned Parenthood, Jan. 22, 2023 Legislative Actions:Great work! 1541 actions have been taken on 31 bills during the first week of the 2023 session. If you're new to Take Action Network (TAN):
Oppose these bills by signing in CON Oppose HB 1040 Aviation & aerospace committee. DEADLINE: Jan 28 11:00pm Oppose this airport bill in its current form. There is little representation of non-aerospace individuals. You will be sending an email to the Committee. Oppose HB 1071 (School Resource Officers - SROs) by Signing in "Con" DEADLINE: Jan 23 12:30pm Sign in CON to oppose more police in schools. Funding should be targeted towards mental health services, school nurses and school counselors, not more police. There is very strong conservative support for this bill, we really need to build opposition. School policing places students, especially Black students, at a significant risk of criminalization and assault, as evidenced by the heartbreaking, far-too frequent videos of school police officers using physical force on children. Oppose SB 5361 (Law enf. officers/increase) by Signing in "Con" DEADLINE: Jan 23 9:30am Sign in CON. This bill hampers the ability of local jurisdictions to determine how best to keep their communities safe by requiring additional funding to be allocated solely to hiring additional police officers unless the number of officers already exceeds the national per capita average. __________________ Support these bills by signing in PRO Environment Support HB 1185 (Reducing environmental impacts associated with lighting products) by Signing in "Pro" DEADLINE: Jan 23 12:30pm Phase out toxic mercury lights (fluorescent). Housing Support HB 1388 (Residential rent practices) by Signing in "Pro" DEADLINE: Jan 24 3:00pm Give tenants more protections from unfair practices by landlords. Support SB 5190 (Middle housing) by Signing in "Pro" DEADLINE: Jan 25 12:30pm Support more types and sizes of houses to make housing more affordable. Support HB 1389 (Limit residential rent increases) by Signing in "Pro" DEADLINE: Jan 24 3:00pm Limit excessive rent increases to keep our neighbors in stable housing. Support HB 1337 (Accessory dwelling units) by Signing in "Pro" DEADLINE: Jan 23 12:30pm Require cities and counties to allow backyard cottages. Please let them know you support this bill. Support SB 5435 (Limit residential rent increases) by Signing in "Pro" DEADLINE: Jan 27 9:30am This bill would put limits on rent increases. Law and Justice Support HB 1025 (Justice for victims of police actions) by Signing in "Pro" DEADLINE: Jan 25 7:00am Addresses justice for victims and families of police misconduct by giving them the right to sue in state court. Support SB 5135 (Ending the Use of Long-Term Solitary Confinement) by Signing in "Pro" DEADLINE: Jan 23 9:30am The Solitary Confinement Restriction Act, recognizes the psychological damage caused by long-term solitary confinement. Support HB 1324 (Ban consideration of prior juvenile offenses) by Signing in "Pro" DEADLINE: Jan 23 12:30pm Bans consideration of juvenile offenses in adult sentencing, which will reduce racial disparities and bring WA into line with most other states on this issue. Support HB 1445 (Give the Attorney General the power to investigate and take action on police misconduct) by Signing in "Pro" DEADLINE: Jan 25 7:00am Allows the Attorney General’s office to investigate and take action against law enforcement and local corrections agencies for systemic discriminatory practices. Healthcare Support HB 1281 (Modify death with dignity act) by Signing in "Pro" and protect end of life decisions DEADLINE: Jan 25 12:30pm Modifies the original Death with Dignity Bill and makes it more compatible with the original intent. Reproductive Justice Support SB 5241 Keep Our Care Act and sign in PRO requiring oversight over hospital mergers DEADLINE: Jan 24 9:30am Would create a public oversight system to ensure that when hospitals merge, access to vital services for rural and low-income communities, people of color, women, LGBTQ+ individuals, and terminally-ill patients remain intact. Support SJR 8202 (WA constitution amendment guaranteeing reproductive freedom by Signing in "Pro" DEADLINE: Jan 24 7:00am Support an amendment to the WA state constitution guaranteeing reproductive freedom. Support SB 5242 (Abortion cost sharing) by Signing in "Pro" DEADLINE: Jan 24 7:00am If maternity services are covered so are abortion services (generally at no cost). Support reproductive freedom and health data privacy -- Sign in "Pro" DEADLINE: Jan 24 9:30am My Health My Data provides strong privacy protections for health data -- even more important in a post-Roe world. Support SB 5489, Reproductive and gender-affirming healthcare–Sign in “Pro” DEADLINE: Jan 24: 9:30am Protects access to reproductive health care services and gender-affirming treatment in Washington state by shielding patients, helpers, and providers from out-of-state investigations and prosecutions. Education Support SB 5339, Free school meals by Signing in 'Pro' (Senate Version) DEADLINE: Jan 23 12:30pm Free breakfast and lunch to all of Washington’s students. Support HB 1238, Free school meals by Signing in 'Pro' (House Version) DEADLINE: Jan 24 3:00pm Free breakfast and lunch to all of Washington’s students. Federal Actions:Debt CeilingFrom Indivisible National, 01/19/2022: The U.S. hit the debt ceiling this week -- the legal cap set by Congress on how much the treasury can borrow to cover checks Congress and the White House have already written. There is no cause for panic: Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has laid out a plan to take “extraordinary measures” -- a process where the treasury shifts around money to keep the government under the borrowing cap. This tactic will prevent the United States from defaulting on our financial obligations until somewhere around June -- but the fight has already kicked off, and we can’t afford to wait until we’re up against the deadline. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy made backroom deals with the MAGA extremist Freedom Caucus, who have already demonstrated their appetite for throwing our country into chaos if it brings them more power. Defaulting on the debt ceiling means:
Action 1: Call your representative and let her know she needs to hold strong.
Script: Hello, my name is _______ and I am in Zip Code ________. The debate over the debt ceiling is merely a performance. We know that the debt ceiling will be lifted. It always is. The question is whether the Democrats will make concessions to the GOP to get there. No concessions are acceptable. Raise the debt ceiling and DO NOT give up anything to the GOP. Action 2: Submit a Letter to the Editor (LTE). Write a letter championing your Member of Congress (MoC) for their work opposing MAGA extremism. Highlight all the good votes they have taken recently (like supporting abortion rights). And encourage them to continue to be fighters for the people. Public perception can turn quickly and we need to remind the people that Democrats are fighting for them while Republicans are pushing the nation to the edge. LTE Form -- Nisqually Valley News LTE Form --The Olympian LTE Form -- JOLT News LTE Form -- The Chronicle LTE Form -- Shelton-Mason County Journal LTE Form --Tacoma News Tribune Overturn Citizens UnitedCorporations are not people. Overturn the Citizens United campaign finance ruling that is destroying our democracy by passing HJR 13. The 2010 Citizens United ruling tilted political influence toward wealthy donors and corporations. Background
Action: Contact your Representative Option A: Take this action with one click in Take Action Network (TAN) (Ask Your Rep to Overturn Citizens United) Option B: Contact WA MOCs
Script: I am asking my Representative to cosponsor H.R. 13, the resolution that will overturn Citizens United. Wealthy people and corporations should not be allowed to use money influence in our elections. [NAME] from [CITY], [ZIP] Your Work Pays Off:Jan 6th OI and WIN Insurrection Zoom Event: 180+ registrants and 111 showed up with a strong showing from OI and other WIN chapters and ally organizations throughout the state.
Olympia Port January 9 Rally: There were approx. 60 rally attendees and a good showing from OI. Many attended the Port Commission meeting afterwards and spoke in favor of no additional flights at Olympia Airport. Thanks for your response to our special newsletter to “Help Fight Climate Change” sent out on 1/14/2023 in support of HB 1181. We need to support this bill all the way! Total testifiers: 1216, Pro: 1187, Con: 23 Comments are closed.
January 2025
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