Quote of the Week:“Republicans who will gather to cast the first votes of the 2024 presidential primary season have one essential responsibility: to nominate a candidate who is fit to serve as president, one who will ‘preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States’. Donald Trump, who has proved himself unwilling to do so, is manifestly unworthy.” – excerpt from editorial, “The Responsibility of Republican Voters.” The New York Times, Editorial Board, Opinion Section, January 15, 2024 Legislative Actions:If you're new to Take Action Network (TAN):
Sign in PRO Environment Sign in "Pro" to Support SB 6005 (Recycling and Packaging (WRAP Act)) DEADLINE: Jan 23 • 12:30pm Shift recycling costs away from ratepayers and onto the manufacturers. Support SB 6138 (Supporting pilot projects for full-neighborhood geothermal heating networks): Sign in "Pro" for Senate Environment, Energy & Technology's Public Hearing DEADLINE: Jan 24 • 7:00am This bill enables gas and electric utilities to own and operate utility-scale networks of geothermal heat pumps, and establishes a program to award grants for this purpose. Justice Support HB 2065 (Fixing Unjust Sentencing Laws): Sign in "Pro" for House Community Safety, Justice, & Reentry's Public Hearing DEADLINE: Jan 22 • 12:30pm Automatically lengthening adult sentences based upon juvenile adjudications is wrong. This bill ensures that people already harmed by this practice have opportunities for resentencing. Good Government Support SB 6269 (Alternate voter verification pilot project) DEADLINE: Jan 23 • 12:30pm It’s time for Washington to explore options for verification that allow voters to prove their identity without relying solely on signatures by establishing a pilot project to test alternate methods of voter identification. Sign in Pro to support SB 5209 (Universal civic duty voting) DEADLINE: Jan 23 • 12:30pm Universal voting will increase political participation dramatically, and create an electorate that is a full reflection of our diverse country. It will combat voter suppression, voter apathy, and voter disenfranchisement. Support HB 2250 (The Washington VOICES Act): Sign in "Pro" for House State Government & Tribal Relations's Public Hearing DEADLINE: Jan 24 • 12:30pm The Voting Options, Implementation, Compliance, Education, and Standards Act gives places in Washington the tools they need to successfully implement ranked choice voting. Support HB 2252 (Neighborhood Cafés): Sign in "Pro" for House Local Government's Public Hearing DEADLINE: Jan 23 • 9:30am Start building walkable communities by allowing our residential neighborhoods to include small cafés. Housing Support the Affordable Homes Act: Sign in "Pro" for SB 6191 (Senate Ways & Means Public Hearing) DEADLINE: Jan 25 • 3:00pm Creates a dedicated revenue source for the Housing Trust Fund. Properties worth $3 million or more will incur a modest 1% raise in the real estate transfer tax when sold while people selling properties under $750,000 will see a tax decrease. __________ Sign in CON Support Ranked Choice Voting by opposing SB5993 DEADLINE: Jan 23 • 12:30pm The innocuous title of this bill makes it sound great, but in reality it is the Secretary of States' effort to prevent local jurisdictions from implementing Ranked Choice Voting by making it burdensome for jurisdictions to fulfill education expectations and opening them up for lawsuits. Oppose SJR 8208 (Oppose the Creation of Constitutional Barriers to Conservation): Sign in "Con" for Senate Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks's Public Hearing DEADLINE: Jan 22 • 12:30pm This constitutional amendment would elevate the interests of the 2% of Washingtonians who hunt over the vast majority who appreciate the intrinsic value of nature and enjoy wildlife through hiking, camping, birding, boating, and wildlife watching. ________ Contact the Legislature Support SB 5837 to codify our State election database DEADLINE: Jan 22 • 3:00pm Keeping good data on elections will ensure best practices and make sure the right to vote is not infringed upon. Support Working families' tax credit expansion - SB5249 (Senate: In Committee (Ways & Means)) DEADLINE: Jan 31 • 11:00pm Expand eligibility for this credit from qualifying people ages 25-64 or with children to everyone over age 18; will expand access to 210,000 more WA households, reaching more young adults and seniors, and increasing the number of eligible households by nearly 50%. Support HB 1035 and prevent restrictions to provision of Death w Dignity and women's health care services DEADLINE: Jan 31 • 11:00pm Support HB 1035 by asking for a hearing to move this bill out of committee. This bill prohibits health care entities from restricting the provision of Death w Dignity and women's health care services by health care providers. Oppose Rural area ADUs (HB 2126 in House Housing Committee) DEADLINE: Jan 31 • 11:00pm Protect rural areas. Don't allow sprawl! Local Actions:Run for Thurston Conservation District Board Supervisor Filing Deadline Monday January 22, at 4:30pm A mail-in election for Position 1 on the Thurston Conservation District Board of Supervisors will be held on March 19, 2024. The seat currently held by Helen Wheatley is up for election, and Helen has decided not to run for re-election. Candidates must complete and return paperwork by January 22, 2024 at 4:30pm. Learn more about becoming a candidate on the Thurston Conservation District website. WA State Actions:Indivisible Podcast: 2024 Monthly Election Coverage Kickoff!Washington Indivisible Podcast (WIP) is a podcast for and about the Indivisible movement in Washington State, the show featuring interviews and discussions with leaders, political figures, activist, journalists, and thinkers, all aimed at informing, inspiring, and fostering unity in the progressive community across the state. It’s hosted by Stephan Cox, a public radio and broadcasting veteran who has helmed shows for PRI, and KUSF, and has reported for NPR. The 2024 election is officially underway, so WIP is excited to bring you its monthly election coverage, touching on the most important developments here in the state and around the country, and laying out just how and where you can make the biggest impact. Action: Check out the January 14, 2024 Launch podcast with: Kevin Jones, leader of Indivisible Vashon, steering committee member of the Washington Indivisible Network, and head of the WIN Elections Committee. Review Kevin Jones' Battleground Election Matrix Your Work Pays Off: Thanks to Everyone for Your ParticipationA Full House Forming a New Team Preaching to the Choir Photo credits: Garrett Tatsumi Huge shout-out to Olympia Indivisible members and members of the public who attended our Monday, MLK Day event, 2024: Mobilize for Democracy! Our Big Goal was to launch the four new electoral teams which will be working to ensure that democracy prevails in November, from the County, to the State, to the Federal, to the White House–and to turbocharge the six already-established OI support teams which will help keep those new teams’ work humming along. Here are some participation statistics to warm your pro-democracy soul:
Did you want to come but were not able to? No worries! Just visit Olympia Indivisibles TEAM page on our website. Look over the team descriptions, pick the team you want to serve on, and fill out the team contact form at the bottom of each Team’s description. A team leader will reach out to respond. Have You Scheduled These Events?Action Cafe 2024, Every Monday at Noon OI members meet, make new friends, and take actions together. Every Cafe comes with a side order of live music and a heapin’ helpin’ of good cheer! Cafe patrons receive an email on Sunday with a sneak-peek at what we'll do at the cafe the next day. On Monday morning, Chef Lisa will send you a pdf "Menu" which has links to the actions we'll take together at the Cafe. Action: Register HERE. We will send you a Zoom link and tomorrow morning, Chef Lisa will send your "menu." _____________________ Sign up for an Indivisible National Event: Meet the Author of The Persuaders Photo credit: Garrett Tatsumi What: Indivisible National Zoom Conversation between Ezra Levin and the author of The Persuaders, by Anand Giridharadas
When: Thursday, January 25, at 1:00pm PST Action 1: Mark your calendar, save the date, and register HERE to get your Zoom link to watch this interview from home! Or perhaps Action 2: If you'd enjoy watching this interview with other Olympia Indivisible members on a big screen in a cozy living room with a plateful of cookies, then RSVP Olympia Indivisible's “Cookies and Conversations” host Glen Hubbard at [email protected] or 360-561-7990 (textable mobile) for details and directions. After the event we will continue to explore messaging: In February, Olympia Indivisible will be hosting a book discussion group about The Persuaders. Details coming soon. If you did not purchase a copy of the book at our 2024: Mobilize for Democracy! event, please consider ordering one from a local independent book-seller. It's available in hardcover, paperback, Audiobook, and Kindle. The Timberland Regional Library has a small number of editions for loan. ___________________ 2024 Grower’s Conference – Thurston Conservation District Two-day, in-person conference on January 26-27 Concerned about how climate change is impacting local farmers and your food supply? Or your personal garden? Looking for strategies to help navigate the future? Join Thurston Conservation District for a locally-based conference for farmers and ranchers, growers and gardeners, and those passionate about local food. This two-day event will celebrate our local food economy while also diving into some of the place-specific impacts of climate change. There is still time to register! Comments are closed.
February 2025
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