Quote of the Week:“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” — Confucius Legislative Actions:Sign in Actions Action: Take the following actions and then click the green 'I took this action' button. You will see the button if you are logged into TAN. The position on the following action s are ‘PRO’. Law & Justice Support HB 1333 (Addressing domestic violent extremism) by Signing in "Pro" DEADLINE: Feb 13 3:00pm Let the House Appropriations committee know that you want a plan to combat domestic violent extremism and combat disinformation by signing in Pro for HB 1333. Conservatives are overwhelmingly against this bill. Support SB 5451 (allowing review of long sentences for crimes committed before age 25) by Signing in "Pro" DEADLINE: Feb 14 9:30am SB 5451 gives people who committed crimes before age 25 a change to have lengthy sentences reviewed. It addresses advancements in brain science and racial inequities in sentencing. Support HB 1445 (Law enf. misconduct) by Signing in "Pro" DEADLINE: Feb 16 3:00pm This bill allows the Attorney General’s office to investigate police agencies for systemic practices that violate citizen rights as protected by the Washington State Constitution. Transportation Support HB 1791 (Studying the need for increased commercial aviation services) by Signing in "Pro" DEADLINE: Feb 16 3:00pm HB 1791 forms an Airport Workgroup to collect information and make an information based decision, then recommend a solution that increases passenger capacity at SEATAC. The new proposed legislation is a complete reversal of the former process. Support SB 5383 (Pedestrians/roadways) by Signing in "Pro" DEADLINE: Feb 13 3:00pm Current jaywalking laws are enforced disproportionately in neighborhoods that lack sufficient infrastructure for pedestrians and are another pretext to stop people of color. This bill allows people to cross the road as long as it's reasonably safe to do so. Support SB 5572 (Traffic safety) by Signing in "Pro" DEADLINE: Feb 13 3:00pm SB 5572 is a bill to limit traffic stops by law enforcement to infractions which pose a risk to public safety. Housing Keep the Residential Energy Labeling Bill (HB 1433) Moving by Signing in "Pro" DEADLINE: Feb 13 3:00pm This bill will create a home energy labeling system that will help to reduce residential home energy costs and carbon emissions. Good Government Support SB 5356 - sign in PRO to protect communities from discriminatory automated decision systems DEADLINE: Feb 15 7:00am Government agencies use automated decision systems to decide who gets benefits, how communities are policed, how health care gets prioritized, and other life-and-death decisions. SB 5356 protects communities from these discriminatory systems, which are often biased against vulnerable communities. Support HB 1473 (Wealth/property tax) by Signing in "Pro" DEADLINE: Feb 14 7:00am Investing in Washington families and creating a more fair tax system by enacting a narrowly tailored property tax on extreme wealth derived from the ownership of stocks, bonds, and other financial intangible property over $250 million Environment Support HB 1131 (Shift recycling costs away from ratepayers) by Signing in "Pro" DEADLINE: Feb 15 3:00pm Shift recycling costs away from ratepayers and onto the manufacturers. Support HB 1164 - Support HB 1164 - Create a producer responsibility program for appliance refrigerants by Signing in "Pro" by Signing in "Pro" DEADLINE: Feb 16 7:00am Make producers responsible for dealing with the refrigerants and insulating foam in old appliances. Support HB 1176 (Climate-ready communities) by Signing in "Pro" DEADLINE: Feb 13 3:00pm This bill supports inclusion for more of our community members through "Service Washington" and other organizations. Healthcare Support SJM 8006 (Universal health care) by Signing in "Pro" DEADLINE: Feb 14 7:00am SJM 8006 is a resolution by which the Washington State House and Senate would formally request President Biden to take steps to create a universal health care system in our country or, absent such action, to cause the federal government to partner with our state to reduce federal barriers so as to allow our state to successfully implement a state-wide single-payer healthcare system. Lobby ActionsThe following are lobby actions. We are asking you to lobby for these actions because any bill that does not move out of its policy committee before the February 17th cutoff date, will be dead for the year. Keep tons of reusable packing out of Washington landfills: ask the House Finance Committee to vote “do pass” for HB 1422. DEADLINE: Feb. 17 11pm HB 1422 creates an important incentive to recycle reusable packing waste. Support Orca vessel protection (Senate: In Committee (Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks)) DEADLINE: Feb 17 11:00pm Please help support Orca vessel protection (SB 5371) by lobbying the state legislature. Ranked Choice Voting for PresidentMove the Ranked-Choice Voting for Presidential Primaries Bill forward this year, it needs a hearing before February 17th. Talking Points
Action 1: Contact your Legislators
Script: I support HB 1592 Ranked Choice Voting in Presidential Primaries. In 2020, 1 in 4 voters were left out in the cold when a candidate they voted for dropped out before the Democratic primary election. Ranked-choice voting would enfranchise these voters. HB 1592 has the support of 21 legislators and endorsements of a dozen community organizations in Washington. Please do what you can to support this bill. Thank you, [Name] [Address or City] Action 2: Lobby the committee and ask for a hearing. Ranked Choice Voting in Presidential Primaries needs a hearing! HB 1592 DEADLINE: Feb 16 11:00pm Please help support Ranked Choice Voting for Presidential Primaries (HB 1592) by lobbying the state legislature. HB 1592 hasn’t even gotten a public hearing - your help is needed. Local Actions: Thurston County Conservation District Board of Supervisors ElectionVoting for a TCD Supervisor The Thurston Conservation District (TCD) has a governing board of five supervisors, of whom three are elected and two are appointed. The District 3 position, currently held by Dave Iyall, is up for election. Dave is again running for re-election. There is one other candidate running for this position. In 2020, Olympia Indivisible supported Dave Iyall’s candidacy for Thurston Conservation District. He replaced disgraced Supervisor Richard Mankemeyer, who was removed from office by the Washington Conservation Commission. The OI Endorsements Team has heard from trusted individuals involved with the Thurston Conservation District that the current Board of Supervisors, which includes Dave Iyall, is working effectively and collaboratively as a team. Important: Please be aware that you must request a ballot from the Thurston Conservation District in order to vote in this election. You cannot request, pick up, or return a ballot with the Thurston County Auditor’s Offices. Action 1: Request Your Ballot (Beginning February 6th) Get a ballot mailed to you by requesting your ballot by March 7 at 4:30 pm from elections staff at [email protected] or 564-669-4929 OR Get your ballot in person March 7-10 & March 13-14 between 8 am and 4:30 pm from elections staff at the Thurston Conservation District Office (2918 Ferguson St. SW, Suite A, Tumwater, WA 98512) Action 2: Return Your Ballot
Postage is provided and there’s a ballot drop box outside the TCD Offices M-F between 8 am and 4:30 pm through March 14th. Preliminary election results will be shared on March 24th and certified at the May WA State Conservation Commission’s meeting Tell County Commissioners The Comprehensive Planning Timeline Is In the Wrong Order Every ten years Thurston County reviews its Strategic Plan to plan for the best outcomes as our population grows and pressure is put on the county’s land and resources. The Thurston 2045 review is required by the Washington state's Growth Management Act (GMA) and articulates a series of goals, objectives, policies, actions, and standards that are intended to guide the decisions for the next twenty years. Nine citizen volunteers appointed by Thurston County Commissioners serve on the Planning Commission (PC) to advise them on land use, development and zoning regulations and in particular on long range planning. The Planning Commission works with county staff of the department of Community Planning and Economic Development and helps County Commissioners make decisions about revising the current plan by holding public hearings in order to make recommendations. The PC has asked to be included in the beginning of the Scoping phase giving it more opportunities to ask questions and provide public input from the start. We must ask our County Commissioners to support the Planning Commission’s request for early involvement and to change the timeline to place the Planning Commission involvement at the front end, at “Scoping the Update.” Thurston County | Planning | comp-plan-update Action: Before Tuesday, February 14 send a message directly to each Thurston County Commissioner. Commissioner Carolina Mejia Send an Email to Carolina Commissioner Menser Send an Email to Tye Commissioner Gary Edwards Send an Email to Gary Script: Dear Thurston County Commissioner, Thurston 2045 should be added to the docket. Please clarify that the Thurston County Planning Commission should be involved in all the phases of planning, including Scoping. Waiting until 2024 for the full involvement of the Planning Commission is putting the cart before the horse. Volunteer commissioners’ opportunity to ask questions, evaluate information, and listen to public comment throughout the review process is in the best interests of the present and future residents of Thurston County. Thank you, (your name) (your address) Have You Scheduled These Events? Action Cafe 2023, |
February 2025
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