Quote of the Week:“With final House passage of the Inflation Reduction Act on Friday, President Biden is poised to deliver the latest in a series of legislative victories that will ripple across the country for decades — lowering the cost of prescription drugs, extending subsidies to help people pay for health insurance, reducing the deficit and investing more than $370 billion into climate and energy programs.” –Michael D. Shear and Zolo Kanno-Youngs, New York Times, August 12, 2022 Indivisible Members, Face to Face:“Keep It Blue in 2022” PicnicKeep in Blue in 2022 is our first all-member event since 2020 and our chance to meet, eat, and mobilize for the midterms!
Drinks and DemocracyEach Saturday (weather permitting) Lisa Ornstein invites Olympia Indivisible members to her cozy back patio in SE Olympia for a Drinks and Democracy Happy Hour! From 5:30 to 6:30pm, come enjoy a signature house drink on a democratic theme. Non-alcoholic beverages will be on hand as well. Come raise a glass of cheer, catch up with your fellow Indivisiblers, unwind, and build our fellowship! Please note that you must be vaccinated and boosted for COVID in order to attend. Chef Lisa intends for these events to spread good cheer, not germs! For details and address, RSVP to [email protected]. Electoral Actions:Upcoming Events to Support Pro-Democracy Candidates Julianne Gale Garden Birthday Party (Senator, LD-35) When: TODAY, Sunday, August 14, 3-5 pm Where: Harstine Island RSVP to 360-229-1984 or [email protected] What: Birthday fundraiser for LD35 candidate Julianne Gale, with berry bush and apple tree giveaways, food, and more! Bring your own reusable dish, cup, and utensils. BYO chair, if you can. $35 suggested donation per family. No one turned away. Hosted by Vikki Voss. Sponsored by Neighbors for Julienne Gale (D), PO Box 1203, Shelton, WA 98584. Senator Patty Murray Fundraiser When: Wednesday, August 17 at 5:30pm Where: At the home of former Senator Karen Fraser What: In 2022, Senator Murray is facing one of the best-funded Republican challengers in the country, McConnell’s handpicked candidate Tiffany Smiley. Smiley is entering the general election with major national GOP donors and leaders lining up behind her campaign. Senator Murray needs help to assure she has the resources to make sure Washington voters hear about Smiley’s real views, and to defend against the entrenched hard-right base in Washington state. $100 to $250 Guest | $500 Friend | $1,000 Co-Host | $2500 Sponsor Register HERE Volunteer for Derek Sanders’ Campaign: OI-endorsed candidate Derek Sanders is running against John Snaza for the position of Thurston County Sheriff. Derek Sanders has served our community for six years as a Deputy Sheriff with the Thurston County Sheriff’s Office. Prior to that he was a Community Service Officer with the Lacey Police Department. Derek gained over 52% of the primary vote to Snaza’s 47%, an astounding performance for a young candidate running against an entrenched incumbent–but he faces an uphill battle in the general election. To volunteer, send an email with your contact information to [email protected] Be an OI Candidate Liaison: Olympia Indivisible is seeking a campaign liaison for Tonya Moore, OI-endorsed candidate for County Clerk. Your job? Relay information to Olympia Indivisible’s Campaign Interface Team about opportunities to support Tonya’s campaign. This is easy to do and you’ll get an inside look at the electoral process at work here in Thurston County! To volunteer, send a message to [email protected] Tonya Moore Thurston County Clerk There are lots of fun ways to help Tonya: lit drop, write postcards, knock on doors, deliver yard signs, host a house party, sign wave, phone bank, and more. Visit www.ElectTonyaMoore.com/Volunteer to sign up today. Mary Hall Celebration/Fundraiser (Thurston County Auditor) When: Monday, August 29, 5-8pm Where: Home of Sen. Sam Hunt What: This event will feature great Northwest food, luscious libations and soft drinks, special guests, door prizes, comedy, the Mary Hall quiz, a small live auction and silent auction and other surprises! Live music by Danielle Westbrook and Richard Williams! Questions/comments? [email protected] Tye Menser and Marilyn Strickland Picnic When: 9/17/2022 from Noon - 2:00 pm at Tumwater Falls Park Where: Tumwater Falls Park What: Campaign Picnic hosted by Tye Menser and Marilyn Strickland Tye needs help organizing the picnic. Sign up at Tye Menser’s Volunteer page if you can help in any way. OI Website: Keep up with what is happening with candidates on OI’s Election 2022 resource page which includes the New Candidate Support Calendar. And discover more about OI plans and activities on the website. Local Actions:Thank Thurston County for Holding DNR Accountable!Background DNR pulls application for Summit Lake timber cut On August 10, 2022 the Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) held a work session with the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) about timber sales. Watch this video clip titled "BoCC Work Session_Department of Natural Resources Timber Sales _08_10_2022" that shows our Commission in action. The first half-hour of the complete video was wasted by DNR explaining what they do as an agency. They did not begin to address the serious concerns from the advocates in the room until the BoCC began questioning them. Action: Contact the BoCC and Staff Option A: Take this action with one click in Take Action Network (TAN) Thank Thurston County for Holding DNR Accountable! Option B: Send an email to [email protected] Script: Dear Commissioners and Staff, Thank you for standing up for Thurston residents and demanding accountability from the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). The 8/10/2022 Work Session with DNR about Timber Sales clearly shows that Thurston County has researched the complicated subject of timber sales and the subsequent environmental damage. Residents of Summit Lake and the entire County were well represented by our Commissioners. I appreciate your attention to the importance of our environment. Sincerely, [NAME] from [CITY], [ZIP] Federal Actions:Protect the Western Arctic from DrillingConocoPhilips’ Willow Project Last February, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced a surprise comment period for ConocoPhilips’ Willow Project --
Willow would lock us into decades of oil and gas production and long-term destruction to the Western Arctic. This fragile area of Alaska is already warming three times faster than the rest of the world. Earthjustice Lawsuit Thanks to an Earthjustice lawsuit, the project is on hold for now. However, BLM just released the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement and opened another comment period to take further feedback — which means that the agency is still moving towards allowing drilling. Join us in using your voice to fight this harmful project. President Biden’s BLM gets to choose:
Action: You can do your part by making a public comment today. Project the Western Arctic. Brought to you by Earthjustice and The Climate Reality Project Have You Scheduled This Event?“Comprehensive Plan Introduction with City and County Planning Staff” which will be held in person on Wednesday August 17, 6:30 to 7:30 pm, at the Rose Garden Shelter, Squaxin Park (formerly Priest Point Park)
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February 2025
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