Quote of the Week:“There is always light. If only we're brave enough to see it. If only we're brave enough to be it.” –Amanda Gorman Hear Ye! Hear Ye!Register Now for Olympia Indivisible’s Strategic Plan Rollout on April 22 at 10:00 AM!On April 22nd, Olympia Indivisible will welcome all who are interested in the cause of protecting democracy, defending civil rights, and building a more just, inclusive, and sustainable future for all Americans. This gathering is about building our bench strength as an organization so we can do effective work now and during the historic 2024 elections. What is bench strength and why is it important? Bench strength is Olympia Indivisible's pool of internal talent who can readily and capably respond to fulfilling our mission. Having a strong bench is really important as we approach the historic elections of 2024. Please join one of our experienced teams and help us take action this year and be ready for 2024 What: OI meeting, Building Bench Strength for a Sustainable Democracy When: Saturday, April 22, 2023, 10:00 am to 12:00 pm Where: Either by Zoom or in person in Multipurpose Room A of the Olympia Community Center, 222 Columbia St NW Olympia WA 98501 Registration: April 22, 2023 AM Sign-Up Legislative Actions:Action: Take the following actions and then click the green 'I took this action' button. You will see the button if you are logged into TAN. The position on the following action is ‘PRO’. Rescheduled: Support SB 5768 (Protecting access to abortion medications) by Signing in "Pro" to the House Appropriations' Public Hearing DEADLINE: Apr 18 11:30am The April 17th public hearing got rescheduled to April 18th. Please sign in "Pro" again for SB5768, even if you signed in already for the April 17th hearing--we must show support for Governor Inslee's proactive action to safeguard access to abortion medication in Washington. Legislative progress this session!The Washington Legislative session is wrapping up and now we are reaping the harvest of our advocacy work. This past week the following bills passed out of the legislature with a “yes” in both chambers and are on their way to the Governor’s office, or are already signed into law:
Thank you, OI Members, for helping us pass these bills sponsored by LD22 Legislators! Did you know Senator Hunt is a cosponsor of a bill to bring Universal Health Care to WA? It did not pass this year, but it will be offered again in 2024.
Local Actions:Should Species be Harmed to Build Warehouses?The City of Tumwater and the Port of Olympia are writing a Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) to get an incidental take permit from USFWS that will absolve them from liability for the harm they will cause to species and the ecosystem. There is a plan to relocate endangered species, but relocation does not work well for the Olympia pocket gopher. Relocated animals have to compete for resources with species already living in the area. Many will get sick or starve to death. The working HCP draft for project stakeholders is now available. Olympia Indivisible may be offering opportunities to comment on the HCP in the upcoming Calls to Action. Background
Federal Actions:Protecting Critical ProgramsWe know the Republican majority in Congress is promising to hold the economy hostage in an attempt to cut critical programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Indivisible National is working to get Democratic members of the House of Representatives to sign on to the Boyle, Jayapal, Kuster letter opposing this MAGA Default Crisis and refusing to cut vital services. Representative Marilyn Strickland has signed on to this letter, so let’s let her know we have her back on this! Action: Thank Rep. Marilyn Strickland for signing on to protect vital services from would-be Debt Ceiling hostage takers.
Script: My name is ___________, and my Zip Code is _______. Thank you for signing the congressional letter from Reps. Boyle, Jayapal, and Kuster calling for a clean vote to avoid a default on our debts and opposing any cuts to Social Security and Medicare and other programs our community relies on. As you know, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and his fellow Republicans are threatening to drive the US to default on our debts if they don’t get their way. Their goal is to slash Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other vital programs. Right now many working-class Americans are struggling with inflation and rising costs of living. Any cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid would only threaten the livelihoods of millions, and pull the rug out from underneath all of us who have paid into the programs – not to mention the risks of a recession and job losses if Republicans force the government to default on its debt. When our representatives stand up for the people, rather than corporate interests or their own pockets, we prosper. Thank you, Representative Strickland, for standing up for us! We have your back because you have ours! Have You Scheduled These Events?Action Cafe 2023, |
February 2025
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