Quote of the Week:“There are no sidelines. There’s no sitting this one out. There is no hoping that someone else is going to come in and save the day. There is no cavalry. We are the cavalry.” – Beto O’Rourke Campaigns, Get Active:We Need You to WIN Elections with TANStep 1: If you’re not a member, Join Take Action Network (TAN).
Step 2: Click HERE, to sign up for WIN Elections Communication search What you get:
Write Letters to Voters with Vote ForwardPhoto Source: Garrett Tatsumi The OI GOTV Writing Team and The United Churches of Olympia Uprooting Racism Team will co-host their second Vote Forward letter-writing event at The United Churches of Olympia on Monday, April 22, 4:00-6:00pm Our aim is to increase civic participation among the members of historically underrepresented communities. Action: How can you prepare between now and then?
______ Calling on Olympia Indivisible members in the City of Shelton to help recruit a pro-democracy applicant to fill the remaining term of an outgoing City Council Member. Last week a member of Shelton City Council resigned early as council member. The pro-democracy council person still had over a year to go on their term. The City of Shelton is a 7-member council voted city wide with the mayor voted in by the council. Council members serve for 4 years. Action: Please join a grassroots exploratory committee to recruit a pro-democracy Shelton City Council member. We have three weeks. There will not be a special election—the remaining Council members interview candidates to fill the vacant seat. Candidates must apply by 1pm May 3, will be interviewed on May 14, and will be sworn in on May 21. If the position is not filled by July 12, the Mason County Commissioners—none of them progressives–will choose the new councilmember. Email Mindy to ask questions or to join the exploratory committee.
Tell WSDOT: Update the Amtrak CascadesPhoto Source: Solutionary RailsWashington State Department of Transportation's (WSDOT's) current draft of its Service Development Plan (SDP) for the Amtrak Cascades is a "Service Under-development Plan." Just when federal support is finally available, WSDOT is derailing decades of work to design a faster, more reliable system to get cars off I-5 and make train travel competitive with driving. That's 2.5hrs SEA-PDX & 2.7hrs SEA-VBC. Yes, it requires adding dedicated passenger track and higher speeds up to 110 mph. That's been the plan in the past - let’s stick with it. Comments close on April 18, so now is the time to speak out to protect the future of intercity passenger rail in Western Washington. Action: Tell WSDOT: Stay on Track for Reliable, Frequent, High Speed Rail on Amtrak Cascades by 2030 Have You Scheduled These Events?Let’s Get TogetherPhoto Source: Canva Pexles Olympia Indivisible is inviting its members to an Ice Cream Social before the City of Olympia’s favorite parade, the Procession of the Species. Put this fun event on your calendar. We would love to see you there, in costume or not. Or if you are exhausted after two days of Spring Arts Walk, come anyway for an ice cream cone on your way home. Invited: Ol members, kids included if you are on your way to the parade. When: April 27, 2:00pm to 4:00pm. The Procession starts at 4:30. Where: Friendship Hall, 220 Union SE, Olympia, right next to the downtown YWCA Registration: None, come as you are for the Procession. ________________ Action Cafe 2024, Every Monday at Noon OI members meet, make new friends, and take actions together. Every Cafe comes with a side order of live music and a heapin’ helpin’ of good cheer! Cafe patrons receive an email on Sunday with a sneak-peek at what we'll do at the cafe the next day. On Monday morning, Chef Lisa will send you a pdf "Menu" which has links to the actions we'll take together at the Cafe. Action: Register HERE. We will send you a Zoom link and tomorrow morning, Chef Lisa will send your "menu." You Might Also Like to Attend:Sierra Club Hosts Discussion April 16 on Density, Rural Lands and Climate Change This presentation will explore the economic, social justice and environmental problems created by increased housing development in rural areas of our county. Discussion will include the density goals contained in Sustainable Thurston and the Thurston Climate Mitigation Plan, and examine inconsistencies between local government actions and those density goals. In particular, we will highlight recent discussions among elected officials about housing allocations intended to ensure adequate low-income housing. When: Tuesday, April 16, 2024, at 5:30 p.m.. Where: Olympia Community Center, 222 Columbia Street NW, Olympia, or via Zoom. The event begins with a meet and greet social at 5:30; the program begins at 6:00 p.m. Action: You can register for the event in person HERE. Or use this Zoom link. __________ Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Racial Justice & Belonging: A Community Conversation with Local Leaders League of Women Voters Thurston County, APIC/SPS and Hispanic Roundtable invite the public to this free event. Find out what local jurisdictions are doing to create a more equitable Thurston County. In-person & On Zoom When: Thursday, April 18, 6:00 - 8:00 pm Where: Thurston County Board Meeting Room, 3000 Pacific Avenue, S.E. Olympia, WA 98501 Questions: Contact: [email protected] Attend this lively and informative panel presentation and conversation. Thurston County Board of County Commissioners declared racism a crisis in 2021. Learn what Lacey, Olympia, Tumwater and Thurston County jurisdictions are doing to address barriers to racial equity, inclusion and belonging throughout Thurston County. Co-sponsored by the LWVTC, APIC/SPS and Hispanic Roundtable. Action: Limited seating, registration recommended. Register here. Community Participation:Thurston Earth Day EventsPhoto Source: John McConnell, Wikimedia Commons Work Parties and Celebrations for Earth Day Events: Olympia – Earth Day 2024 Stewardship Event. Squaxin Park (formerly Priest Point Park) – April 20. 10:00 to 1:00. Restoration event. Meet at Shelter #2. Arrive early to park. Schools with the most student volunteers will win cash for their school. Lacey – Earth Day Work Party. Wonderwood Park – April 20. 10:00 to 1:00. Mulching and light weeding. Tools, gloves and refreshments provided. First and second prizes for schools with most volunteers. Check-in by 32nd Ave SE parking lot. Tenino – Earth Day Celebration. Tenino City Park – April 20. 9:30 to 1:00. Students and other volunteers clean up Tenino parks. School prize of $1,500 for school with most volunteers. Free tee-shirts, lunch. Information booths. Registration at event—under 18 only with parent. Tumwater – Volunteer Work Party. Tumwater Historical Park – April 20. 10:00 to 1:00. Mulch plant beds and light weeding. Light refreshments, tools, water, and gloves provided. Rain or shine! Olympia – Water Superheroes! WET Science Center – April 20. 10:00 to 4:00. How can you help the Earth for Earth Day? Become a water superhero! Create your own identity, make crafts, and play games to learn ways to save water and protect the planet. Olympia – Interfaith Earth Day Service. Decatur Woods Park – April 21. 1:00 to 2:15. Celebrate our precious and endangered species through songs, poems, and sharing. Sixth-graders will talk about endangered species whose masks they have created. All faiths and the non-faithful are invited. Mild rain is okay for Northwesterners who are dressed for it, but If it pours, contact [email protected]. Your Work Pays Off:The FCC will vote to restore Net Neutrality
Olympia Indivisible members have been petitioning the FCC to restore net neutrality for a number of years. And your work has paid off! FCC Chair Rosenworcel announced the Commission will vote during its April Open Meeting to restore Net Neutrality, which would bring back a national standard for broadband reliability, security, and consumer protection Comments are closed.
February 2025
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