Quote of the Week:“If Democrats lose the House and/or the Senate in November, it doesn’t matter who runs for president in 2024 because we will all no longer be living in a representative democracy. Yet, if Democrats do retain the House and can increase our majority by at least two responsible Senators, Democrats will pass laws that the vast majority of Americans support.” –Yvonne Brandon, Indivisible Eastside Get Involved:The midterms of 2022 will be the most consequential election of your lifetime and possibly this generation. Democracy is NOT a spectator sport. It is NOT enough to vote. You need to actively contribute–whatever you have: time, energy, resources. If you’re already doing this, thank you. If not, it’s time to take a pledge to get involved. Olympia Indivisible is here to support your engagement, give you the skills you need, and provide an activism community where we work together and make it fun. Action 1: Take a second to send this message: “I’m ready to do my part” to this LINK and our Candidate Interface Team will get in touch with you to help you find a way to make a difference. Action 2: And let’s picnic! Seriously, save the date (Sat., Aug. 27 from 11am-1pm), pack a lunch, and come to the Olympia Indivisible All-Member outdoor picnic under the shady awning of the Olympia Regional Learning Academy picnic shed (2400 15th Avenue SE). We’ll celebrate five years of pro-democracy activism (think “cake”!) and share news about how to help Keep it Blue in 2022. Save the date and RSVP for the picnic! [email protected] Local Actions:Meet City and County Planning Staff |
February 2025
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