Quote of the Week: “By now, it’s obvious that the reactionary culture warriors who want to reshape American education are inspiring a serious liberal counter-mobilization in response. Remarkably, this backlash to the backlash is gaining momentum in some of the reddest parts of the country.” -- Greg Sargent and Paul Waldman, The Washington Post Local Actions: Contact Thurston School Districts in Opposition to Minority Rule for WSSDA There is an ongoing attempt to change the bylaws of the Washington State School Directors’ Association (WSSDA) to give the minority an advantage over the majority by removing weighted voting. The WSSDA supports its members with research-based leadership development resources, policy and legal guidance, and legislative advocacy. School districts all over Washington state rely on WSSDA for their advocacy work with the legislature, as well as for their advice on policy changes at the district level. While not binding, this advice is incredibly useful and important, and is often adopted wholesale by school boards. The attempted change to the bylaws of this organization would negatively impact thousands of students in WA state. Action: Send this letter to the Thurston School Districts: North Thurston, Olympia and Griffin. Option A: Take this action with one click in Take Action Network (TAN) Contact Thurston School Districts in Opposition to Minority Rule for WSSDA Option B: Create your own email Email addresses: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Subject: Vote against removing weighted voting in the WSSDA bylaws To: All board members as well as the superintendent It has come to my attention that an attempt is being made to change the WSSDA bylaws. WSSDA is heavily relied upon for its legislative advocacy and for advice on school district policy changes and has a direct impact on students across the state. Because the proposed change would remove weighted voting from the bylaws and every district would then receive only one vote, regardless of enrollment the result would reduce representation of students and their needs in larger-than-average districts. Every student in our state deserves to be represented when it comes to conversations surrounding school policies and legislative priorities, which directly impact them. I’m asking our WSSDA representative to vote against this change to the WSSDA bylaws. Thank you, [NAME] from [CITY], [ZIP] We All Deserve Clean Water SCOTUS is reducing the power of the EPA to protect water. Water defines our region in many ways. The enormous trees that depend on frequent rains, cool, misty mornings, and of course, the beautiful lakes, rivers, streams, and Salish Sea, our inland waterway that anchors this region as South Puget Sound. When we talk to people about what they care about, clean water is right up there with the health and happiness of their families and of course, we know water is essential for all life. In Thurston County, we have a great source of clean and healthy drinking water right underneath our feet. Just about all of us drink water fed by underground aquifers and that’s part of why it’s so important to be careful about what you put onto the ground. The other reason it’s important to be aware of what goes on the ground is that our abundant rain can collect bacteria from pet waste, unused nutrients from fertilizers, and hazardous weed and bug killers, and carry them to the nearest body of water. Action: Let’s spend the summer conserving water, celebrating water, and of course, keeping hydrated by drinking plenty of water! Federal Actions: Protect Transgender Care NowThe attacks on the freedom and dignity of transgender people and their families are just starting. One-third of the country has passed laws that criminalize and ban access to gender-affirming care. The next stage of the fight for basic LGBTQ freedoms is coming, and it affects everyone – even in states that haven't seen any anti-trans attacks. A new bill has been introduced by the most extreme anti-LGBTQ Members of Congress, led by Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, that would criminalize the health care trans people need. While such a law is beyond the pale, it won't be the last. Any national ban on gender-affirming care would be devastating. You and your elected Members of Congress are our last line of defense against this national threat. We must stop any effort to criminalize trans people and the families and communities who love us. Action: Send your message loud and clear: Tell your Members of Congress to protect trans people from discrimination. Deny TC Energy’s GTN XPress Gas Pipeline Expansion TC Energy, the same company responsible for the Keystone XL and the Coastal GasLink Pipeline, applied for a permit from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to ship a huge quantity of fracked gas into the Northwest via the GTN XPress project. This fracked gas would flow through an expansion of an existing pipeline that goes through Idaho, Oregon, Washington and into California. Washington's Governor, Oregon's Senators, the communities and Tribes directly impacted, and thousands of us object to this pipeline. The environmental non-profit Columbia Riverkeeper is gathering comments for one final push to demand that members of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) listen to serious concerns raised by Attorneys General, Tribes, and community leaders throughout the Northwest. Action: Add your voice to the effort and call attention to the reasons why you oppose TC Energy’s major new gas push in the Northwest. Have You Scheduled These Events? June 10: Drinks and DemocracyThis Saturday (June 10), Chef Lisa invites OIympia Indivisible members to her cozy back patio in SE Olympia for a Drinks and Democracy Happy Hour! From 5:30 to 6:30pm, come enjoy a signature house drink on a democratic theme. Non-alcoholic beverages will be on hand as well. Come raise a glass of cheer, catch up with your fellow Indivisiblers, unwind, and build our fellowship! Please note that you must be vaccinated and boosted for COVID in order to attend. Chef Lisa intends for these events to spread good cheer, not germs! Action: RSVP at [email protected] Action Cafe 2023, |
February 2025
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