Quote of the Week:“People speak of hope as if it is this delicate, ephemeral thing made of whispers and spider’s webs. It's not. Hope has dirt on her face, blood on her knuckles, the grit of cobblestones in her hair, and just spat out a tooth as she rises for another go.” --Matthew (@CrowsFault on X in 2022.) Help Our Candidates Win!Now’s the time to support our candidates! Go to our OI Campaign Support Calendar. Pick. One.Thing. And do it! Check the link above for more information on the following UPCOMING events:
Check the link for Continuing Events and Actions:
You can write letters, phonebank, put up a yard sign, and more! The important thing is that you DO SOMETHING! So let’s do it! Federal Actions:Support UnionsSuggestions from the earthworm society "The number of workers organized in the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) elections last year is the highest in decades, due to growing union win rate and an increase in the average winning bargaining unit size over time," noted Eric Dirnbach, in his State of the Unions 2024. Historian Kevin M. Kruse, among many others, has pointed out that appointments to the NLRB are one area where the Biden/Harris administration has shined, speaking to his theory that people make institutions matter. Action #1: Give workers some relief from the heat: Leave a comment for OSHA supporting the proposed rule that would "require employers to create a plan to evaluate and control heat hazards in their workplace." Script: I strongly support the “Heat Injury and Illness Prevention in Outdoor and Indoor Work Settings” proposed rule. Workers should not have to suffer from heat-related job injuries or death. It is the employer’s responsibility to keep the workplace safe. Action #2: Support the UAW and workers and Vice President Harris. Get a "Trump is a Scab" shirt. This is the perfect way to show appreciation for one of the unions leading America's Labor Renaissance. It also shows your support for their passion for defeating Trump and puts you on the side of a worker-led future, with a plan for a possible general strike on May Day in 2028. Ask About Abortion in the Next Presidential Debate!Photo Source: moveon.org From our friends at Move On Access to abortion care is under serious threat nationwide, as states continue to pass burdensome and dangerous restrictions. An increasing number of states are implementing draconian laws around reproductive health care—or completely banning abortion outright. Since 2010, more than 400 restrictions on abortion care have been enacted in various states. Soon, our presidential candidates Vice President Kamala Harris and former president Donald Trump will take to the debate stage. As September 10 draws closer, we need to know that ABC News moderators will prioritize a real conversation about essential reproductive health care on the debate stage. Voters deserve to know exactly where their candidates stand on abortion rights. Action: Sign the Petition and tell ABC News debate moderators to ask about abortion in the September 10 debate. Local Actions: Send Comments to Ecology about the Sunberg Site CleanupPhoto Source: Esther Kronenberg From our friends at the Green Cove Defense Committee. The Department of Ecology has a cleanup plan for the decades-old solid and hazardous waste dump on Olympia’s Westside known as the Sundberg Gravel Pit and Cooper Point Log Yard, the site for the proposed Green Cove housing development. Ecology's cleanup plans are missing important components. Deadline: September 16, 2024 at 11:59 pm. Background Action: Copy the script and send the comments using the Public Comment Form.
Script Please fill in the gaps of the proposed “Remedial Investigation of the Sundberg Gravel Pit Site”. My major concerns are:
Support Community Gardens: Invasive Species Removal Work PartyVolunteer with Thurston Conservation District and assist in the removal of invasive species at one of Olympia's most established community gardens, When: September 14th, 2024, 10 AM to 2 PM Where: Olympia Community Garden (1401 13th Ave SE, Olympia, 98501) Register: Here for the Invasive Species Removal Work Party Action: Join TCD, GRuB, and YMCA volunteers on Saturday, September 14th from 10am to 2pm. No experience is necessary, all ages are welcome, and we will supply all the necessary tools and snacks! You can Register HERE. Messaging Tip #4:Source: Canva Let’s keep using smart messaging in conversation and on our social media feeds, to combat disinformation by using effective language and providing inspiring messages and calls-to-action. Let’s make each of us more effective messengers. MESSAGING OF THE WEEK TIP #4: Be Careful What You Share! SOURCE: Anand Giridharadas, The Ink, September 5, 2024. An indictment filed Wednesday by the Department of Justice alleges a media company linked to six conservative influencers — including well-known personalities Tim Pool, Dave Rubin and Benny Johnson — was secretly funded by Russian state media employees to churn out English-language videos that were “often consistent” with the Kremlin’s “interest in amplifying U.S. domestic divisions in order to weaken U.S. opposition” to Russian interests, like its war in Ukraine. Be wary of the purported truth teller who is “telling you truths no one else will.” This has become a big move of the age. It works very well online. It travels. You whip up this sense that others are lying to you, and then you cast yourself as the lighthouse of reality in a sea of cons. Vaccines, Ukraine, Tim Walz’s past, etc. We should, at long last, have some skepticism of this kind of pose. The flow of information in the United States, contrary to what these self-styled free speech martyrs would say, is robust. There are all manner of highly reputable news organizations putting out real, vetted information. Don’t fall for charlatans offering you facts in the lining of their trench coats like some $40 “real” Rolexes. BONUS MESSAGING TIP: The Lincoln Project is out with a truly chilling new abortion ad. Please share. (And yes, this is totally possible.) Have You Scheduled These Events?Indivisible National Pre-Presidential Debate Webinar with Hakeem Jeffries On Tuesday, September 10 at 5:00pm Pacific Time, join Indivisible National for a celebratory call featuring future Speaker of the House Hakeem Jeffries. After a week of action focused on contacting voters at their doors, gather with other Indivisibles across the country to celebrate our work and prepare for the first debate between Vice President Harris and Donald Trump. You’ll hear about the work we need to do to win this election, including the White House and key congressional races across the country to secure a new Democratic trifecta this year. Action: Register HERE. ____ Harris/Trump Presidential Debate on September 10, 6:00pm PT If one of the media that you have given up is cable TV, those folks can watch the Harris/Trump debate on ABC News Live Stream. The Tuesday, September 10th debate takes place at 6pm PDT and will last 90 minutes. Here are the rules that will govern the matchup. Action: Here is the link to view the debate. ____ Rachel Dreon Campaign Update Zoom this Q&A to learn more about our candidate and to support her as she goes forward to the general election. Join us Thursday, September 12 at 6:00pm. Action: Register HERE and send us a question to ask Rachel. ____ Drinks and Democracy! All of us who are actively working to protect democracy deserve a glass of cheer! If that’s you and you’re in town this coming Saturday (September 14th), come join Olympia Indivisible co-founder Lisa Ornstein on her cozy back patio in SE Olympia for a Drinks and Democracy Happy Hour! From 5:30 to 6:30pm, Lisa will be serving up a signature house drink with a pro-democracy theme. Wine and non-alcoholic mocktails and snacks will be on hand as well. You are also welcome to bring some to share! Come raise a glass and enjoy good company with your fellow Indivisiblers. Please RSVP here to confirm attendance and for directions. ____ Action Cafe 2024 is back this Monday, September 9th. Action Cafe is a weekly, Monday noontime virtual cafe where OI members meet, make new friends, and take actions together. Every Cafe comes with a side order of live music and a heapin’ helpin’ of good cheer! Cafe patrons receive an email on Sunday with a sneak-peek at what we'll do at the cafe the next day. On Monday morning, Chef Lisa will send you a pdf "Menu" which has links to the actions we'll take together at the Cafe. Action: Register HERE. We will send you a Zoom link and tomorrow morning, Chef Lisa will send your "menu." Comments are closed.
February 2025
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