Quote of the Week: “My one big ask today - commit to vote early, and do something to promote the importance of voting early through your networks. We just have to keep driving the early vote, my friends. It is our one job now through Election Day.” – Simon Rosenberg - Hopium Chronicles, October 18, 2024” Simon sez: PLEASE FILL OUT AND TURN IN YOUR BALLOT NOW! Why? Because doing so will remove your name from the voter lists that our pro-democracy campaigns are using to turn out the vote. When campaigns know that you’ve voted, they can redirect their resources to reach out to those who haven’t–this saves time and money and gains votes for our candidates. Help Our Candidates Win!Now’s the time to support our candidates! Go to our OI Campaign Support Calendar. Pick. One.Thing. And do it! Check the link above for more information on the following UPCOMING events:
Check the links for Continuing Events and Actions:
The important thing is that you DO SOMETHING! So let’s do it! Click here for Olympia Indivisible Campaign Support Calendar Federal Actions:We Need to Act to Save the United States Postal Service From Wall Street and Trump-Appointed Postmaster General Louis Dejoy Photo Source: Wikimedia Commons. Photographer: Kevin Payravi It’s no accident that DeJoy -- the first Postmaster General in two decades without experience working in the postal service -- was appointed just months after Trumps’ Office of Management and Budget released recommendations that the USPS should be privatized. The result has been the slow decimation of one of America’s most treasured institutions. Mail slowdowns and historic price hikes have made DeJoy’s claim that the USPS is in a “death spiral” a self fulfilling prophecy. When DeJoy has faced pressure from Congress and everyday people like you and me, we’ve won. Now it’s time to do it again. Action: send a message directly to our members of Congress and the USPS Board of Governors demanding they stop mail slowdowns and price hikes, and restore 2012 delivery standards. Note: Be sure to edit your subscription preference before sending your letter to keep off unwanted mailing lists. Puerto Rican Residents Have a Right to Have Their Voices Heard LNG transport ship at the New Fortress Energy facility in San Juan Harbor, Puerto Rico (Courtesy of Myrna Conty) From our friends at EarthJustice Puerto Rico residents have a right to have their voices heard about a methane gas project being expanded in their community. In 2018, New Fortress Energy, through its Puerto Rico-based subsidiary NFEnergía, began designing a large liquified natural gas (LNG) terminal in San Juan Harbor to import methane gas that would run through a pipeline to the nearby power plant. This is a violation of federal law because it did not receive approval from the Federal Regulatory Energy Commission (FERC). No one in the surrounding communities was notified or consulted about this project — even though the potentially explosive terminal sits less than a quarter mile from the closest homes. The people living close to the LNG terminal are within the blast radius of possible catastrophic gas explosions. They are also vulnerable to long-term health impacts from chronic exposure to increased toxic air pollution from methane combustion leaks and added exhaust from the terminal’s associated truck and ship traffic. There is abundant evidence that rooftop solar and storage systems — coupled with energy conservation, efficiency and literacy programs, as well as other alternatives — for every household in Puerto Rico is the safest and healthiest solution to withstand the effects of climate change on the archipelago. Simply put, Puerto Ricans deserve a reliable electricity supply and a clean environment. Action: New Fortress Energy and NFEnergía must be held accountable for the public safety, environmental, and climate threats its gas terminal presents. Local GOTV Actions:Wave for Dave! Hey Fabulous Olympia Indivisible Can-Doers, We need YOUR HELP! To get Dave Upthegrove over the finish line. SO…let’s WAVE for DAVE! Come Wave for Dave (Upthegrove) on Wednesday October 23rd from 5-6 PM. Enjoy the sunshine (while we have it)! Grab a sign from Edie Harding if you don’t have one. She will bring signs to the Black Lake Blvd sign waving effort. If you need one for Sleater-Kinney reach out to [email protected] We will gather in 2 places:
Go Team Upthegrove! Wave Signs to Get Out the Vote!Photo Source: Justin at Jiffylube. It's time to wave signs for OI’s endorsed candidates and NO on Ballot Initiatives! Let’s get out there and do this! Action: Here’s where, when, and how. Have You Scheduled These Events? Save the Date for Olympia Indivisible All Member Meeting – November 10th from 1:00 - 2:15pm
Olympia Indivisible is a community. We are not going back and we are not going away. In fact, we're already planning a Zoom gathering for Sunday, November 10th from 1:00-2:15pm to be together, build our resilience and fellowship, and plan for the future. ------ Help Us Win: Make Calls to Ohio Voters If we hope to hold our Senate majority, it's critical we do everything we can to re-elect Sherrod Brown this November! Join us for a virtual phonebank and help us reach out to Ohio voters in support of Sherrod Brown for US Senate and Kamala Harris for President. A short HubDialer training will be included at the beginning of the event. Be sure to have both a computer and a phone so that you can make phone calls to voters. If you are new to Hubdialer or want a refresher we suggest watching this video ahead of time. What: Virtual Phonebank for Sherrod Brown and Kamala Harris Date: October 21 Time: 6:30 ET/ 3:30 PT RSVP HERE ------ Women 4 Harris/Walz’s Speaker Series has a great webinar coming up on October 22 at 3PM PT: From Spectator to Game-Changer - Unleashing Your Political Potential, with Rachel Bitecofer and Leigh McGowan! Join the Women for Harris-Walz grassroots coalition on Tuesday, October 22 at 6pm ET/3pm PT as they discuss how all citizens can feel more empowered to better understand, discuss, and participate in our political system, and use that power to drive meaningful change. Rachel Bitecofer is a political scientist, election forecaster, and strategist. Leigh McGowan, known as "Politics Girl," is an award-winning digital media influencer and author with over 2 million followers across social platforms. Register here ------ Come to the Action Cafe! Action Cafe is a weekly, Monday noontime virtual cafe where OI members meet, make new friends, and take actions together. Every Cafe comes with a side order of live music and a heapin’ helpin’ of good cheer! Cafe patrons receive an email on Sunday with a sneak-peek at what we'll do at the cafe the next day. On Monday morning, Chef Lisa will send you a pdf "Menu" which has links to the actions we'll take together at the Cafe. Action: Register HERE. We will send you a Zoom link and tomorrow morning, Chef Lisa will send your "menu." Comments are closed.
February 2025
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