Quote of the Week: “Each of us has a responsibility to get off the sidelines, to get in the game, and to do our part. Are you ready to do your part? Are you ready to form a more perfect union? Are you ready to build an America where no matter what you look like, where you come from, who you love, or who you pray to, that this will be a place for you? And are you ready to look the next president of the United States in the eye and say, ‘Hello, Madam President?’ I am too, so let’s get to work!” —Josh Shapiro, Governor of Pennsylvania Annual OI Picnic at Squaxin Park: When We Work, We Win!Photo Credit: Carla Wulfsberg Olympia Indivisible’s annual all-member picnic will be on Sunday, September 8, from 5:00-6:30 pm at the Squaxin Park Rose Garden Shelter. Our theme is: When We Work, We Win! There is plenty to celebrate with our Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates: Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. Joy is back in the land. And along with conversation, cake, and good cheer, there will be opportunities to engage in the work that will help ensure that Democracy prevails in 2024. Plus you'll be able to:
What to Bring:
Action: RSVP here! We are limited to 100 attendees, so register today! Help Our Candidates Win!Now’s the time to support our candidates! Go to our OI Campaign Support Calendar. Pick. One.Thing. And do it! Check the link above for more information on the following UPCOMING events:
Check the link for Continuing Events and Actions:
You can party, you can make signs, you can write postcards! The important thing is that you DO SOMETHING! So let’s do it! Federal Actions:Stop Georgia’s Online Voter CancellationPhoto Credit: Screenshot of the Secretary of State's website Background TAN action: Stop the Georgia Voter Cancellation Portal Action: ask the DOJ via this simple on-line messaging form to investigate and shut down this portal ASAP, and to reverse any cancellations that were done through the portal site. Suggested Subject: Civil Rights Suggested Script: As a United States citizen, I am deeply concerned that Georgia election officials now are encouraging people to use a state website to cancel voter registrations. Unlike a voter challenge which affords the potentially affected voters due process before their registrations are canceled, anyone can cancel another person’s voter registration simply by completing a form. I ask that the Department of Justice immediately investigate Georgia’s practice and take all legal steps to prevent and reverse the cancellations of voter registrations pursuant to this system. Protect Oceanic Whitetip SharksPhoto Credit: Wikimedia Commons, Photographer: Johan Lantz Source: From our Friends at Earthjustice Oceanic whitetip sharks were once one of the most abundant sharks in the ocean. Sadly, due to overfishing, the global population has plummeted by 80-99% over the past 60 years and is teetering toward extinction. Unsustainable industrial fishing is one of the main culprits for oceanic whitetip shark deaths. Fishing fleets that use gear like pelagic longlines (comprised of dozens of miles of fishing lines dangling thousands of baited hooks) and purse seines (giant nets used to surround entire schools of tuna and other fish) are especially deadly for oceanic whitetips. The National Marine Fisheries Service has proposed a rule that would give oceanic whitetip sharks additional protections under the Endangered Species Act, but the federal agency needs to hear from you by September 15. Action: Tell the Fisheries Service to finalize this rule as soon as possible and take all necessary steps within its power to ensure the recovery of the oceanic whitetip shark. Congress: Don't Let Anyone Own The Law Photo Source: Electronic Frontier Foundation Corporations help write our laws, now they want to copyright that section of our law. We oppose the Pro Codes Act, S. 835 and H.R. 1631. A huge portion of the regulations we all live by (such as fire safety codes, or the national electrical code) are initially written by industry experts, government officials, and other volunteers, under the auspices of standards development organizations (SDOs). This bill effectively endorses the claim that SDOs can “retain” copyright in codes, even after they are made law, as long as they make the codes available through a “publicly accessible” website – which means read-only, and subject to licensing limits. Congress should not endorse the idea that such companies can set up private toll booths on the paths that allow everyone to access and review the law. Americans have a constitutional right to read, share and discuss the law of the land. SDOs have already lost this battle in court after court, which have recognized that no one can own the law. For these reasons, I urge you to oppose this legislation. Action: Email our Members of Congress to Tell Congress: Don't Let Anyone Own The Law Ask your MoC to Limit the X platform!Photo Source: Beatchoose via Wikimedia Commons Elon Musk is tearing down democracy with his misinformation! Ask your Member of Congress to set up presences on other platforms and consider leaving X. Make X the last platform you choose when posting on social media. Background
Action: Ask your MoC to stay off X as much as they can! New: Messaging Tip of the Week Photo Source: Canva We all need to be using smart messaging in conversation and on our social media feeds, to combat disinformation and doomcasting by using effective language and providing inspiring messages and calls-to-action. So for the next two months, we will share a MESSAGING OF THE WEEK TIP to make OI members (that’s you!) more effective messengers. Here’s MESSAGING TIP #1: When speaking on our freedoms – to decide what happens to our bodies, if and when we grow our families, who we love – it’s critical to correctly identify who is threatening to take those freedoms away: MAGA Republicans, not “the government” writ large.
Have You Scheduled This Events?Drinks and Democracy!Photo Credit: Garrett Tatsumi All of us who are actively working to protect democracy deserve a glass of cheer! If that’s you and you’re in town this coming Saturday (August 24th), come join Olympia Indivisible co-founder Lisa Ornstein on her cozy back patio in SE Olympia for a Drinks and Democracy Happy Hour!
From 5:30 to 6:30pm, Lisa will be serving up a signature house drink with a pro-democracy theme. Wine and non-alcoholic mocktails and snacks will be on hand as well. You are also welcome to bring some to share! Come raise a glass and enjoy good company with your fellow Indivisiblers. Please RSVP here to confirm attendance and for directions. Comments are closed.
January 2025
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