Quote of the Week:“Today, President Joe Biden signed the continuing resolution Congress passed yesterday to fund the government until December 20. The measure has none of the poison pills Trump and MAGA Republicans wanted, but it does add $231 million to the budget for the Secret Service to enhance its ability to protect presidential candidates…Trump was unable to command Republican loyalty on this issue as he did earlier this year when he insisted Republicans kill the bipartisan border bill.” --Heather Cox Richardson, Letters from an American, Sept. 26, 2024 Don’t Miss This Special OI Event:Olympia Indivisible’s Last All-Member Gathering before the Election!Mark your calendar and save the date: Friday, October 4 from 10:30-noon. Olympia Indivisible invites all our members to an informal gathering at the YWCA Friendship Hall in Olympia. Our purpose? Give our members a chance to get the latest from our electoral teams, and give those teams a chance to be with one another in person. We’ll serve coffee and tea. We’d love it if you come with a favorite mid-morning snack to share! Let’s catch our breath together before the final sprint! What: Sprinting Together to Win in November! An OI All-Member Meet-up Where: YWCA Friendship Hall, 220 Union Ave SE, Olympia When: Friday, October 4, 10:30am - noon What to Bring: yourself, a mid-morning snack to share (optional, but deeply appreciated!) Help Our Candidates Win!Now’s the time to support our candidates! Go to our OI Campaign Support Calendar. Pick. One.Thing. And do it! Check the link above for more information on the following UPCOMING events:
Check the link for Continuing Events and Actions:
You can write letters, phonebank, put up a yard sign, and more! The important thing is that you DO SOMETHING! So let’s do it! Federal Actions:Support the Expiration of Trump’s Tax Breaks for the RichTrump’s 2017 tax law gave most of its tax cuts to the rich and corporations, and the cuts that were supposed to trickle down to working families have not only mysteriously dried up but added trillions of dollars to our national debt. MAGA Republicans exploit that debt to excuse cutting funds for services that aid working families. Now tax-fairness activists from all across America have come to Congress to urge their representatives not to extend the parts of the 2017 Trump-GOP tax law that are set to expire at the end of next year. Action: Copy or adapt the following script and Tell our MoCs that we support the agenda of these tax-fairness activists. Suggested Script: I wish to express my support for the tax-fairness activists from all across America who have come to Congress to urge their representatives not to extend the parts of the 2017 Trump-GOP tax law set to expire at the end of next year. Trump’s 2017 tax cuts were disastrous. They disproportionately helped rich people and corporations—not people like me—and added trillions of dollars to the deficit. We don’t want more tax cuts for households with incomes higher than $400,000! We need to tax the rich, tax corporations, and invest in our working families and communities. Ask Our Senators to Support Supreme Court ReformSource: Wikimedia Commons. Author: howtostartablogonline.net U.S. Senator Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) has announced the introduction of new legislation to restore balance among the three branches of government, increase transparency to improve public trust in America’s courts, and modernize the courts to ensure greater access to justice for more Americans. In the wake of recent rulings upending decades of precedent and evidence of unethical behavior, Wyden’s Judicial Modernization and Transparency Act would modernize the courts by expanding the Supreme Court to 15 justices over three presidential terms, prevent political inaction from bottling up nominations to the Supreme Court, and restore appropriate deference to the legislative branch by requiring a supermajority to overturn acts of Congress, among other modernizing provisions to improve access to justice. The bill would also implement much-needed reforms to bring more accountability to the Supreme Court recusal process and improve transparency around potential financial conflicts and other unethical behavior. Action: Copy the following script and Ask our Senators to support the Judicial Modernization and Transparency Act Script: I understand that Senator Ron Wyden has introduced a new bill, called the Judicial Modernization and Transparency Act, that would increase the size of the Supreme Court, make it harder for the justices to overturn laws, require justices to undergo audits, and remove roadblocks for high court nominations, among other things. I strongly, strongly support this legislation. The Supreme Court is widely distrusted by Americans, and for good reason. The only way to restore its legitimacy is through the reforms laid out in this bill. Will the Senator sign on as a co-sponsor? Thanks. Local Actions:Show a Little Love for Springfield’s Haitian CommunitySource: Wikimedia Commons. Author: le vent le cri From our friends at Chop Wood Carry Water This month, media outlets spread a baseless and racist rumor about Springfield, OH residents from Haiti. Since then, the community has received over 30 bomb threats to schools and other public spaces, with extremist groups publicly marching and inciting violence and anti-immigrant hate. Action: Donate to Springfield’s Haitian Community Help & Support Center to counter hate with supportive solidarity. Messaging Tip:Let’s keep using smart messaging in conversation and on our social media feeds, to combat disinformation by using effective language and providing inspiring messages and calls-to-action. Let’s make each of us more effective messengers. MESSAGING OF THE WEEK TIP #6 Progressives have a winning path forward on immigration that allows us to run on, not from, our values. By building empathy and celebrating immigrants as part of our communities, exposing the motives behind MAGA Republicans’ lies, and contrasting their hate-peddling with genuine problem-solving, we can move voters in races up and down the ballot. Rather than play into MAGA’s anti-immigrant fear-mongering that puts families at risk, we can and must make this election about protecting our freedoms and respecting all families, whether we were born here or moved to make this our home. Doing so is both a moral and an electoral imperative. Have You Scheduled These Events?Candidate Forums by League of Women Voters Washington
Come to the Action Cafe!
Action Cafe is a weekly, Monday noontime virtual cafe where OI members meet, make new friends, and take actions together. Every Cafe comes with a side order of live music and a heapin’ helpin’ of good cheer! Cafe patrons receive an email on Sunday with a sneak-peek at what we'll do at the cafe the next day. On Monday morning, Chef Lisa will send you a pdf "Menu" which has links to the actions we'll take together at the Cafe. Action: Register HERE. We will send you a Zoom link and tomorrow morning, Chef Lisa will send your "menu." |
February 2025
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