Quote of the Week:“Don’t go back to sleep.” –Rumi OI Event:Join Us on MLK DayOlympia Indivisible invites its members and friends to gather on the morning of MLK Day for:
Where: South Bay Grange (3918 Sleater Kinney Rd NE, Olympia) Sign Up Today: The Grange has a limited capacity, so we need you to use this registration form to sign up, let us know names of any guests you are bringing, and PLEASE–if you sign up, show up! If you need to cancel, let us know asap by emailing: [email protected]. Legislative Actions:The Washington State legislation is now in session and will be through April 27. A handy way to participate in legislative actions is to sign up for Take Action Network (TAN). TAN is a platform developed for Washington State activists like you where you can easily:
If you're new to Take Action Network (TAN):
Action: Even if you are not yet signed up for TAN, you can use this link to do TAN Actions. There are 11 actions you can sign in as PRO. Here is a link to the list of the latest TAN actions. Federal Actions:Urge our Members of Congress to Defend Voter EnfranchisementBackground: The ACE Act is an extreme anti-voter proposal that would erect restrictive barriers to voting, increase the role of big money in politics, and strip the rights of District of Columbia residents. The SAVE Act would make it harder for all eligible Americans to register to vote and increase the risk that eligible voters are purged from voter rolls. Action: Call AND email our Members of Congress and tell them to Reject the American Confidence in Elections Act and the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act. Members of Congress
Suggested Script: As a concerned constituent, I am writing to urge you to stand up for the fundamental right to vote and reject two bills that threaten our democracy: the American Confidence in Elections Act (ACE Act) and the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act (SAVE Act). I am counting on you to stand up for our democratic values and reject these bills. Democracy thrives when it includes all of us. Thank Our US Senators Photo Source: US Customs and Border Patrol via Wikimedia The Laken-Riley Act, a full-bore assault on immigrants' rights, is on its way to a vote in the Senate -- but not with the help of our Senators. Drop a line to Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray and thank them for voting NAY on this attack on civil liberties. Action: Thank our Senators for opposing the Laken-Riley Act
Suggested Script: Thank you for opposing cloture on the Laken-Riley Act. We’ll be cheering every time you block or delay this anti-American assault on civil liberties. WA State Actions:Pass Progressive Revenue MeasuresSOURCE: From our friends at Statewide Poverty Action Network Our state is facing a revenue shortfall of $12 billion over the next four years. Despite the fact that Washingtonians voted overwhelmingly to protect the Capital Gains Tax, a progressive tax on extreme wealth, Governor Ferguson has committed to balancing the budget with cuts instead of additional taxation of the ultra-wealthy. Action: Tell your State Representatives to pass progressive revenue measures instead of budget cuts.
Suggested Script: Our state is facing a revenue shortfall over the next four years. Governor Ferguson has committed to exhausting options for budget cuts instead of pursuing options for progressive revenue, but as your constituent I am urging you to take the opposite approach. During the Great Recession, we took an austerity approach, cutting vital programs and services. This dealt another blow to Washingtonians already struggling to make ends meet, causing harm that our state is still recovering from to this day. Instead of balancing the budget on the backs of Washingtonians living on a low income again, we should ask those who can afford it to pay their fair share. With a wealth tax and other progressive revenue options, we can afford to meet this budget shortfall and maintain funding for vital programs that support our state's most vulnerable residents. This session, I urge you to pass progressive revenue instead of budget cuts. No Contract, No Coffee! Pledge To Act In Solidarity With Starbucks Workers UnitedFrom our friends at Starbucks Workers United Starbucks Workers United represents more than 500 shops and 10,500 workers. For months, they have been waiting for Starbucks to engage in good-faith bargaining. In October, November, and December, Starbucks failed to bring viable economic proposals that included real investment in baristas, backtracking on months of progress and promises. This past week, Starbucks announced: no more free water at Starbucks, no more free restroom use, and no more hanging out in the lobby unless you're buying something–which effectively turns their baristas into unpaid bouncers, making their work even harder and more dangerous. If you are a Starbucks customer (or even if you’re not), you can take the “No Contract, No Coffee” pledge and support Starbucks workers in their fight for a just and fair contract. These hard-working folks need our support. Here’s an easy way to do so. Action: Take the Starbuck Workers United “No Contract, No Coffee” pledge. Have You Scheduled These Events? 15th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. – Silent Peace Walk When: Sunday, January 19th 2025 at noon Where: Start the walk at Marathon Park (on Olympia's Capitol Lake) Following in the Tradition of the Venerable Zen Master Thích Nhất Hạnh, participants walk single file, in silence. It takes one hour to walk around the full circle of Capitol lake, one and a half miles. We respect all peoples and all traditions, and all are welcome. This has been an annual tradition sponsored by Open Gate Zendo. Be sure to Spread the News! Hope to see you there. Rain or Shine! ------ No Action Cafe on MLK! Meet Chef Lisa at the MLK Gathering! There will be no Cafe this coming Monday (Jan. 20) because the Chef will be at our all-member, in-person MLK gathering at the Grange. Hope to see you there! Let’s have lunch for real! ------ Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration at New Life Baptist Church When: Monday, Jan. 20, 2025, 1-3pm Where: New Life Baptist Church, 7838 Pacific Avenue SE, Lacey, 98503 Food for Thought: From our friends at The Cascadia Advocate We agree strongly with the President that the growing concentration of wealth and power in this country and in our world community is a grave problem — a problem that we must address. Action: Read or watch President Joe Biden’s farewell address |
February 2025
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